Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Well, today I went in for a check up on my Type II Diabetes.  Not horrible news, but not great news.  I admitted to my doctor, my own doing, that I have not been checking my bloods.  I anticipated a verbal lashing when I told him this, as I deserved. Instead, he just mentioned that it is very hard for him to treat me for the Diabetes, if he doesn't know how the medicines I'm on now are working.  We can't track the progress or regress if we are not at knowledge of where the bloods are and what the patterns are.  You can't dumb it down any more than that.  That spoke to me loud and clear right there.  Yeah, I've been watching my portions.  Yes, I've cut out regular soda (for the most part). Yes, I've been drinking water.  Yes I take my medicines morning and night.  But, this was very important for me to go to the appointment today so I could hear this from him.  Is it a coincidence that I've decided to start this journey?  Probably not. Wow!  I did get my weight and my resting heart rate from them.  I will list it when I post my measurements, which might be later tonight, or even tomorrow.

As for success and getting started with the program I've mentioned with Ryan "Cowboy" Ehmann, I've created my profile on I have not put up any pictures or anything yet, nor have I posted any pictures on my blog.  Just wait, I'll get there.  This last week has been, for lack of a better explanation, a lot of preparation and getting to know where I can find stuff in my folders on the website (when I can get the videos to load and our wireless internet to be tolerant of me), watching motivational introductions from Cowbow himself.  I have to admit it.  He is a dork, but it makes me laugh. :)  I watch them with my wife, Katie. I do enjoy that he is real and raw.  You don't see him trying to not hurt your feelings, nor do you see him blatantly lying.  Instead, if he goofs up, he makes fun of himself and then laughs.  I can appreciate another dude that thinks he is funny.  Reminds me of someone I know.

Going forward in preparations, we have purchased the fabric tape to get measurements, we have purchased the heart rate monitor and watch, just waiting for it to get to us all the way from Illinois.  Also, I have downloaded the reading material that Ryan "Cowboy" Ehmann has listed in his "Getting Started" folder.  So, tonight, in anticipation that my heart rate monitor is going to be here any day (hopefully), we'll see if we can't get a walk in tonight, or some crunches, or somthing simple.  At the very least, I'll get the reading portion done.  The fun is just about here! 


  1. ha ha Nick I love when someone gets my personality and realizes I am a big, loving, funny, silly, no perfect grammar talking Cowboy who does dummy things to make himself laugh. Your doing it partner, remember this...happiness isn't just about the accomplishment of end goal. It's enjoying the journey along the way and its really all about the person who you become along your journey of trying to accomplish your goals. Beside you wouldn't of ever meet me and all the fans your creating as you embark on a journey to transform your life. Wooo Hoooo ... TWITA!

  2. Best of luck Nick. I am following Cowboy Ryan as well. He impressed the heck out of me on Shark Tank

    1. I enjoyed his presentation. It obviously sparked my interest and desire to change things. Thank you.
