Thursday, May 1, 2014

Max Phase: Day 1. Day 11 of 24

First day of max phase! Day 11 of 24 Day Challenge.

Katie KILLED it on working out!

The meal replacement shakes we chose are tasty and d-lish!

Great nutritious but light lunches.

Both of us surpassed our 1 gallon water intake.

Heard from my cousin that she is seriously considering starting her own chalkenge.

Checked in on a friend that is Day 4 of her 24 Day Chalkenge and she is full of Energy and going strong!

Talked another friend into taking the stairs and not the elevator like she usually does. Guess what? She did it. Every time. She's on the 4th floor!

Katie had a BIG epiphany today, regarding food. She realizes food that is clean helps your body with energy. Our buddy Ben then put his sand which in his truck, but it turns out that he misunderstood the meaning of Katie's analogy. ;)

Lives are changing!

Day 11... Perfection continues!

Best day of my life! Peace out!!

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