Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dead Straight Perfect

24 Day Challenge by AdvoCare - Day 3 coming to a close.

Big news today!  This morning, Katie stepped on the scale.  Since we started the 24 Day Challenge on a morning, this is when she will weigh in.  Any guesses???

4.5 pounds!  In just about 48 hours of participating!  How awesome is that?  You know what?  I can see a difference in her.  I see a difference in her mindset.  I hear a difference in how she is approaching the challenge.  I tell you what, her support, of me, is amazing!

As for me, I went to my doctor's today.  Turns out it was closed.  I think he may be on vacation or something. But I worked some charm into the staff at the front desk.  The gal even let me use her badge to get past the door!  So  I get in to the dark office area.  I step on the scale, shoes on.

BOOM!  457!!! That is TEN POUNDS lost. Gone.  Not gonna miss ya! 

So for Team Braaten 220 (named by the Cowboy): 14.5 pounds!

You guys, this is works.  We are the one prepping.  We are the ones cooking.  We are the ones working out.  But really, to have this kind of energy?  This kind of success immediately?  Where else do you see that?  Folks, anyone could do this.  Even you!

I only share my success and passion because maybe, just maybe, somebody reading this will take that first step in changing their life!  Heck, they may even get addicted and want to help another person change their life!  People, this is life changing!

If you want to do it, I'll set you up.  I'll answer your questions, if you decide to start the 24 Day Challenge.  I'll even give you menu ideas. 

Today, for lunch, Katie and I enjoyed fajita flavored chicken breast with mushrooms in a whole wheat tortilla. Plus a salad. We had enough to eat. Met our protein goal.  Met our vegetable goal. We even got in a complex carbohydrate, which you're allowed, even during the Cleansing Phase.  We were full, definitely.

Here is the link to the movie for the 24 Day Challenge by AdvoCare:

Here is the link to a website to look at their products:

Seriously, such a good way to get a jumpstart!  Look what it's done already, for me and my family.

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