Holy cow it feels like it's been a while since I been on here. Well, it has. Maybe 4 or 5 days? I could be wrong. But anyhow, I told ya'll that I'd share news as I saw fit, or anything that I thought ya'll might find interesting. Rumor has it, and I've also been told personally, that some folks actually have taken a liking to my good 'ol story tellin. The ones that don't like my story tellin, well they ain't said anything to me, so they'll have to suffer. ;)
Anyhow, I had a diabetes check up today. I haven't had a chance to go in for a check up in a while. If you're a new reader/follower, I have Type II Diabetes. So far, after having it for a couple years now, the only time my blood sugar levels get high in particular is if I have an infection somewhere, or an open wound somewhere on this big ol playground that is my hairy body. But overall, my check ups usually go well, with nothing major for news. I also get my liver functions tested in the blood work, to monitor if there is any fatty tissues building around the liver, causing abnormal functions, etc...
You'd think after having it a couple years now that I'd be all "down with the lingo," but I'm not. I just listen to the doc and follow the directions he gives me. Really, since starting and finishing our AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge, we've eaten cleaner and worked out more in 24 days that we've done in a couple years of time, combined! But, I go in there, they check my bloods and what not, check my feet, check my legs (I also have the beginning of varicose veins), and I were compression socks/stockings to help with the swelling and irritation of the skin on my lower legs. Everything turned out ok! That made me happy. The doc was pleased to learn of the use of the AdvoCare cleanse and 24 Day Challenge, since it's herbal stuff and nothing really invasive like a colon cleanse where they're roto-rootering your ass all up in there (I'm totally not judging right now).
The only thing he gave me a little talking to about was getting my eyes checked. There was a fancy medical term he used, but I'll just say that he told me to get in and get my eyes checked, but not for vision. Instead, if ya'll don't know, they're making sure there are not any veins on the back of the eyeball itself, or any crystallization, etc... In English terms, they need to check to see if there are any complications of diabetes, on my eyeballs. You've heard of people getting their foot amputated, or half their leg, or another limb because of complications... Well, you can also lose partial vision, or all vision in one eye, or both, in a very short amount of time.
But, even though I've always been big, I've usually gotten good reports from the doc, from what I can remember. Granted, going to the docs, with no parents, when you're young, how do you really know what they're talking about? This doctor in particular, upon accepting me as his patient a few years ago, he immediately just laid it out and said, "With your size, health can be a big concern if we don't know what's going on inside of your body." He immediately invested time and effort in keeping me his patient for a long time. We ran tests after tests. I had ultra sounds done on my liver, on my testicles and scrotum (sorry if this is too detailed!), he had a biopsy done on the inside of my liver, checked for thyroid issues, etc... He even steered me away from the idea of gastric bypass. Just didn't want me getting my hopes up because he knows, all to well, from other patients, that just getting approved for it through insurance, can be a long drawn-out issue. Sometimes, depending on the patient, I'm sure that could tie into more and deeper depression, leading to binge or emotional eating.
He also had me sent over to a Sleep Lab to get tested for Sleep Apnea. It was very soon confirmed that it was a serious case. So now that I've been his patient for a few years, we get to the point where we're on first name basis. We kind of know the general area he lives in, out near us. We know a little about his family and his son playing little league baseball. We know a little bit about where he was raised. He knows Katie as well and takes really good care of us. He gets us in there and it's not just all "this is your condition, here's some medicine, now leave." He takes his time, he explains stuff. Just today I just briefly questioned him for a suggestion regarding one of my younger brothers' health. He just said here are some simple things he can try and if it doesn't improve in a few weeks of this routine, then he still needs to get checked out.
But, back to why I went to him this morning. Again, to refresh, he was thrilled regarding the weight loss of Katie and I. My blood pressure was 116/74. My bloods after my nigh time fast of approximately 12 hours was 5.7 (they don't like them up over 7.0), so my bloods were good. The other tests that they ran on my drawn blood will likely be in this next Tuesday, with it being a holiday weekend.
So tomorrow, we have some work to do in the yard! My back usually hates me after I do it, but I really do like to do it. A king size bed with no bedframe, is not forgiving at all. But oh well, life goes on. We'll see if we can make a dent in what needs to be done. Who knows, I might even work out later in the afternoon even after working in the yard. :)
Memorial Day Weekend is always a good time to knock the rust off the BBQ grill and start the summer time rituals. We'll drive up to Smithfield, UT (just past Logan, UT which is where Utah State Univ. is). It is a pretty drive. But we'll meet up with Katie's family up there for a little reunion. They're'll be some food around I'm sure. So it is important to plan and prepare. My plan is to eat cleaner this weekend and have a good breakfast before leaving the house for the drive. Then I will eat whatever is there, in proportionate sizes, but I'll drink lots of water and keep calories and workouts in mind. I'll tell you, since being off the fat burner, the vitamins and not eating clean as clean, I can sure feel the difference in working out and in drinking water. I was literally shocked at how fast I felt the difference.
You should have seen my face with the first sip of Diet Mountain Dew that I took. I was like..."That is Diet???" Hahaha, it was a good one.
But, I'll wrap this up. My friend, who started the 24 Day Challenge after Katie and I, she is now finished. I don't have the inches report yet, but she lost 17 pounds! She started at 234 pounds. Now is 217. Good for her! I just wanted to share that with ya'll.
Bring on the yard work!
Today Is the Best Day of My Life!!!
I love you Katie. ;) How you doin???
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