Hi everyone! Again, thank you for returning. As I've said before, thank you for visiting if it's your first stop. Share if you like.
I have a couple of topics today that I'd like to touch on:
1. How much is too much food?
2. Workout Tricks for staying in your heart rate zone.
First Topic:
When I tell people that I'm doing the 24 Day Challenge they automatically ask questions and sweep it under the rug as "one of those programs." So it does take me a couple of attempts to get the point across: Only things we get from AdvoCare is the supplements needed for the 24 Day Challenge! All of the food, we provide on our own. During Phase 1 (Cleanse Phase) we're responsible for 3 meals and 3 snacks. For Phase II (Max Phase) there is a Meal Replacement Shake that you use for one of your meals.
With me being bigger, I use more resources. We all know it does absolutely no good to starve your body to the point where it starts burning your lean muscle. This is what happens when you skip meals. Some trainers even say, if you don't have any food on you, but it's time to eat at least a snack, stop and grab something. Heck, even a burger from the drive through would give your body something to burn. Granted you might want to work a little extra long in your heart rate zone that day, to help burn it up. This is why preparation is essential. But like I said, after I get past the point of telling people that "Yes, we eat and we eat well during our Challenge," then we're able to talk. I explain that an average size guy/gal is not going to eat like I eat, for their body wouldn't burn all of that, typically, unless their extremely fit and extremely active. So here is my breakfast on some days:
4-5 eggs (eggs are 2 oz of protein ea.)
Complex carb 1-2 servings (1/2 oatmeal works, or a whole wheat tortilla x2 for an egg mushroom wrap)
Fruit (usually a banana if my protein is my Berry Flavored (Meal Replacement Shake) and I'll make it like a smoothie) if not, and if I'm full by then, I won't eat the fruit, I'll save that for a snack, about an hour later.
So I try to eat largest portions in the a.m. early in the day. Then I taper off. My lunch will not be 10 oz of protein. It'll likely be 8 oz. Then either 6 or 8 at dinner.
Plus we're getting 2-3 snacks a day. We're far from hungry. Katie, of course, does not eat as much at one sitting as I do, but she does eat at the same times as I, to keep her metabolism moving.
I never would have thought that I'd be eating THIS much but still losing 25 pounds in 15 days!
For you, just stay on track. I'm not a nutritionist. I'm not a scientist. I'm not a personal trainer. All you have to go on, is what you've done in the past. Has that worked? If it has, great. But if you're one of the many out there that have lost then gained, lost then gained and now doing neither because you've given up: I ask you to get up. Do something. Any action is good. The more you gain interest, the more you'll want to learn about it. The more you learn, the faster the results, hopefully the more committed you'll be.
Which brings me to my next topic - Tricks in the Heart Rate Zone!!! Yep! There are tricks.
What if you're working out and sweating up a storm, you're already beyond your warm up phase, into the actual workout and you are supposed to be from 142-158 beats per minute for your fat burning heart rate zone, but you're at a 161? What do you do?
STOP!!! Lay flat on your back. Stand there. Do something less intense (squatting in place). But don't keep going at the pace you're at. For me, I just step of the sides of the belt on the treadmill. You know what? I let my heart rate come all the way down, almost to the bottom of my range/zone! Then I hop back on and I try to peak it! Yep. That is something that your stubborn body fat hates! It can't get in a "comfort zone" where it's allowed to be stubborn. But if you've found a way to stay in your heart rate zone, without stopping, that is freaking awesome!
But if you think about it, if you Peak & Crash your heart rate in your zone, you're creating small interval breaks where you can get a sip of water out of your bottle that you have right next to you. Hydration is key! Not just during working out, but the whole day. The more and more you drink, the more your body wants.
But how cool is that? No matter what you're doing, if you're in your zone, you're burning fat. That is the way the body is designed. It is important that the more and more your heart gets in shape, you recalibrate your zone. The links to the right on this page will get you info on how to get your own unique heart rate as well as your own 24 Day Challenge.
No stories today. Just a little bit of explanation. I did go workout some today, on my day off from workouts. My day is tomorrow. Katie's day is today. But I went anyhow. Why not, right? But I was watching her. She nailed it again! I love how good about herself she is feeling these days. I love the energy we have! I feel like a different man.
Daddy loves you Cece! Daddy loves you, Tate! I love you babe!
The Best Day of My Life!
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