Holy cow it feels like it's been a while since I been on here. Well, it has. Maybe 4 or 5 days? I could be wrong. But anyhow, I told ya'll that I'd share news as I saw fit, or anything that I thought ya'll might find interesting. Rumor has it, and I've also been told personally, that some folks actually have taken a liking to my good 'ol story tellin. The ones that don't like my story tellin, well they ain't said anything to me, so they'll have to suffer. ;)
Anyhow, I had a diabetes check up today. I haven't had a chance to go in for a check up in a while. If you're a new reader/follower, I have Type II Diabetes. So far, after having it for a couple years now, the only time my blood sugar levels get high in particular is if I have an infection somewhere, or an open wound somewhere on this big ol playground that is my hairy body. But overall, my check ups usually go well, with nothing major for news. I also get my liver functions tested in the blood work, to monitor if there is any fatty tissues building around the liver, causing abnormal functions, etc...
You'd think after having it a couple years now that I'd be all "down with the lingo," but I'm not. I just listen to the doc and follow the directions he gives me. Really, since starting and finishing our AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge, we've eaten cleaner and worked out more in 24 days that we've done in a couple years of time, combined! But, I go in there, they check my bloods and what not, check my feet, check my legs (I also have the beginning of varicose veins), and I were compression socks/stockings to help with the swelling and irritation of the skin on my lower legs. Everything turned out ok! That made me happy. The doc was pleased to learn of the use of the AdvoCare cleanse and 24 Day Challenge, since it's herbal stuff and nothing really invasive like a colon cleanse where they're roto-rootering your ass all up in there (I'm totally not judging right now).
The only thing he gave me a little talking to about was getting my eyes checked. There was a fancy medical term he used, but I'll just say that he told me to get in and get my eyes checked, but not for vision. Instead, if ya'll don't know, they're making sure there are not any veins on the back of the eyeball itself, or any crystallization, etc... In English terms, they need to check to see if there are any complications of diabetes, on my eyeballs. You've heard of people getting their foot amputated, or half their leg, or another limb because of complications... Well, you can also lose partial vision, or all vision in one eye, or both, in a very short amount of time.
But, even though I've always been big, I've usually gotten good reports from the doc, from what I can remember. Granted, going to the docs, with no parents, when you're young, how do you really know what they're talking about? This doctor in particular, upon accepting me as his patient a few years ago, he immediately just laid it out and said, "With your size, health can be a big concern if we don't know what's going on inside of your body." He immediately invested time and effort in keeping me his patient for a long time. We ran tests after tests. I had ultra sounds done on my liver, on my testicles and scrotum (sorry if this is too detailed!), he had a biopsy done on the inside of my liver, checked for thyroid issues, etc... He even steered me away from the idea of gastric bypass. Just didn't want me getting my hopes up because he knows, all to well, from other patients, that just getting approved for it through insurance, can be a long drawn-out issue. Sometimes, depending on the patient, I'm sure that could tie into more and deeper depression, leading to binge or emotional eating.
He also had me sent over to a Sleep Lab to get tested for Sleep Apnea. It was very soon confirmed that it was a serious case. So now that I've been his patient for a few years, we get to the point where we're on first name basis. We kind of know the general area he lives in, out near us. We know a little about his family and his son playing little league baseball. We know a little bit about where he was raised. He knows Katie as well and takes really good care of us. He gets us in there and it's not just all "this is your condition, here's some medicine, now leave." He takes his time, he explains stuff. Just today I just briefly questioned him for a suggestion regarding one of my younger brothers' health. He just said here are some simple things he can try and if it doesn't improve in a few weeks of this routine, then he still needs to get checked out.
But, back to why I went to him this morning. Again, to refresh, he was thrilled regarding the weight loss of Katie and I. My blood pressure was 116/74. My bloods after my nigh time fast of approximately 12 hours was 5.7 (they don't like them up over 7.0), so my bloods were good. The other tests that they ran on my drawn blood will likely be in this next Tuesday, with it being a holiday weekend.
So tomorrow, we have some work to do in the yard! My back usually hates me after I do it, but I really do like to do it. A king size bed with no bedframe, is not forgiving at all. But oh well, life goes on. We'll see if we can make a dent in what needs to be done. Who knows, I might even work out later in the afternoon even after working in the yard. :)
Memorial Day Weekend is always a good time to knock the rust off the BBQ grill and start the summer time rituals. We'll drive up to Smithfield, UT (just past Logan, UT which is where Utah State Univ. is). It is a pretty drive. But we'll meet up with Katie's family up there for a little reunion. They're'll be some food around I'm sure. So it is important to plan and prepare. My plan is to eat cleaner this weekend and have a good breakfast before leaving the house for the drive. Then I will eat whatever is there, in proportionate sizes, but I'll drink lots of water and keep calories and workouts in mind. I'll tell you, since being off the fat burner, the vitamins and not eating clean as clean, I can sure feel the difference in working out and in drinking water. I was literally shocked at how fast I felt the difference.
You should have seen my face with the first sip of Diet Mountain Dew that I took. I was like..."That is Diet???" Hahaha, it was a good one.
But, I'll wrap this up. My friend, who started the 24 Day Challenge after Katie and I, she is now finished. I don't have the inches report yet, but she lost 17 pounds! She started at 234 pounds. Now is 217. Good for her! I just wanted to share that with ya'll.
Bring on the yard work!
Today Is the Best Day of My Life!!!
I love you Katie. ;) How you doin???
My journey to a healthier me. I'll reflect on my life up to this point. My stories. My thoughts. My experiences. My words. Basically my every day lifestyle and how that relates to my goal of fitness success. Challenging myself to learn from the past and take action by applying healthier food choices to help me gain knowledge of nutrition and excercise.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Challenge After the Challenge
Hi all! How about that last series of blogs, eh? Taking you through our experience of the 24 Day Challenge from AdvoCare. Sharing our numbers, our pictures, our successes, our little victories.
Well... Now What???
How do we follow that up? Simple. We take what we learned and move forward. My buddy shared with me that the success is not within the 24 days of the challenge, the success is after the challenge. Day 25, Day 76, Day 103, Day 187, Day 367, Day 523, Day 842, etc... What are we going to do from here? All of them days are more important than any of the 24 days of the challenge.
As I've said before, the 24 Day Challenge was to prove to ourselves that we could do it. We did do it. Perfectly. The Challenge was only ever intended to be a Jumpstart for us to get in line and build a routine that works. Then take that routine and use it as a blueprint for the next little bit, where we get to a point where we're doing it without even thinking about it.
So, since we were so successful and pushed ourselves using that measuring stick of each day of successes, building up to our 24 days where we could finish it, making every day count and being able to look back and say we did it, perfectly... Why not follow our 24 Day Challenge with our own Challenge After the Challenge?
Sounds good to me. I'd still like to keep track of our inches, so that we're able to see numbers associated to our efforts, since I'm expecting the numbers to be "not as great" as we were during our 24 Day Challenge. But the effort will be there. I do believe, whole-heartedly, that you keep your motivation going, if you're able to see relation between efforts and results. If you don't see results, your efforts won't be as great.
But, I'm going to continue to blog. It just won't be all centered around the 24 Day Challenge. I'm still offering my coaching to anyone that uses my website on the right of this, to purchase and do the Challenge themselves. Maybe they're looking to get their own Jumpstart, or they themselves are at a plateau. Shoot, maybe they're just wanting to mix things up a little and need a good cleanse, so that they can start from ground zero and their bodies can be ready to absorb the nutrients needed. A good cleanse is key to putting good powerful nutrition and fuel in your body.
So, these last few days, that we planned to be "off" are over. I've been still drinking plenty of water and not skipping meals. Didn't eat any junkfood really, but I can tell you, the stuff that I have eaten... I can sure feel the difference in my sleep, in my energy, etc... from eating very clean, to not eating as clean as my body has become accustomed to.
I, of all people, have all the excuses to BS stuff in my corner to say something stupid like, "Why start back on track on a Monday?" Well, I'll tell you why. You're only as strong as your toughest weakness. It doesn't matter what day you start or that you pick to get back on track. The most important part is the actual decision to take that step and start! But here is the cool thing: we've already had this day planned. It's not like we're just pulling it out of left field and saying, "Tomorrow is the day that we'll take no more crap!".... instead, we're making another promise to ourselves.
Does anybody remember the last time that Team Braaten made a promise about some 24 Day Challenge? I do! Now, it's time to capitalize on what success we've built.
Tune back in! Share if you like!
This Is the Best Day of My Life!
Well... Now What???
How do we follow that up? Simple. We take what we learned and move forward. My buddy shared with me that the success is not within the 24 days of the challenge, the success is after the challenge. Day 25, Day 76, Day 103, Day 187, Day 367, Day 523, Day 842, etc... What are we going to do from here? All of them days are more important than any of the 24 days of the challenge.
As I've said before, the 24 Day Challenge was to prove to ourselves that we could do it. We did do it. Perfectly. The Challenge was only ever intended to be a Jumpstart for us to get in line and build a routine that works. Then take that routine and use it as a blueprint for the next little bit, where we get to a point where we're doing it without even thinking about it.
So, since we were so successful and pushed ourselves using that measuring stick of each day of successes, building up to our 24 days where we could finish it, making every day count and being able to look back and say we did it, perfectly... Why not follow our 24 Day Challenge with our own Challenge After the Challenge?
Sounds good to me. I'd still like to keep track of our inches, so that we're able to see numbers associated to our efforts, since I'm expecting the numbers to be "not as great" as we were during our 24 Day Challenge. But the effort will be there. I do believe, whole-heartedly, that you keep your motivation going, if you're able to see relation between efforts and results. If you don't see results, your efforts won't be as great.
But, I'm going to continue to blog. It just won't be all centered around the 24 Day Challenge. I'm still offering my coaching to anyone that uses my website on the right of this, to purchase and do the Challenge themselves. Maybe they're looking to get their own Jumpstart, or they themselves are at a plateau. Shoot, maybe they're just wanting to mix things up a little and need a good cleanse, so that they can start from ground zero and their bodies can be ready to absorb the nutrients needed. A good cleanse is key to putting good powerful nutrition and fuel in your body.
So, these last few days, that we planned to be "off" are over. I've been still drinking plenty of water and not skipping meals. Didn't eat any junkfood really, but I can tell you, the stuff that I have eaten... I can sure feel the difference in my sleep, in my energy, etc... from eating very clean, to not eating as clean as my body has become accustomed to.
I, of all people, have all the excuses to BS stuff in my corner to say something stupid like, "Why start back on track on a Monday?" Well, I'll tell you why. You're only as strong as your toughest weakness. It doesn't matter what day you start or that you pick to get back on track. The most important part is the actual decision to take that step and start! But here is the cool thing: we've already had this day planned. It's not like we're just pulling it out of left field and saying, "Tomorrow is the day that we'll take no more crap!".... instead, we're making another promise to ourselves.
Does anybody remember the last time that Team Braaten made a promise about some 24 Day Challenge? I do! Now, it's time to capitalize on what success we've built.
Tune back in! Share if you like!
This Is the Best Day of My Life!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
24 Day Challenge: Results
Well, yesterday was the end of our 24 Day Challenge. We measured last night and weighed in this morning. I've held you all off long enough. If I feel up to it, I may blog a little after sharing.
But before share, let me say a little something. I can tell you, that with today being our first day "off" the 24 Day Challenge, I was expecting to be able to jump right back into the foods that we ate before. You know, the chips, the breads, the diet sodas, the condiments, the gravies, the grease. Not that I had planned on going back to the way I was, but I did already tell myself that I was going to allow myself to have something, if I wanted it. Not binge and not allow myself to have whatever I wanted, but if something caught my eye... Knowing that we put off my birthday celebration and Mother's Day celebration that we'd probably go out to a dinner or lunch.
Today though, my body was telling me when it was time to eat or grab a snack. It was telling me that it was thirsty. I didn't ignore what it was telling me. I ate a little here and there. We were fed at work today, hamburgers, salad, rootbeer floats. None of it looked good to me, really. I kept portions in mind. First thing I dove into? The salad! Then I only ate one piece of the bun with my burger that had lettuce and tomato on it. I took a sip of the rootbeer, but tossed the rest. You know what? That satisfied me. I found myself wishing I would've packed our lunch, like I've been doing the for last 24 days. This morning for breakfast, I had a breakfast burrito. Well, actually, I had about 1/3 of it. I didn't dare try to eat the whole thing. Besides, I didn't want to. I ate my eggs, some hashbrowns, some of the ham.
And water? I found myself getting out of my chair, not counting the ounces, but I was drinking that stuff down. I did miss my Fruit Punch Spark drink though. I also missed my Berry flavored Meal Shake with a banana, for my usual breakfast.
But the reason you all are checking this blog is for the numbers. So, here you go:
Katie lost a total of 34.75 inches (all over her body) and a total of 12 pounds.
Nick lost a total of 46.75 inches and a total of 30 pounds. I weighed in this a.m. at 437 lbs. Started at 467.
This was over a 24 day period, where we worked out in our Heart Rate Zone for 30 min, every other day. So, you can see, the Lose 12 Inches program is true to our results. But what don't you see?
You don't see that we were true to our word. We said we would do the 24 Day Challenge. We did it. You don't see whether or not we ever cheated. You have to take our word for it. We didn't. You don't see that we didn't, ever, skip any meals. Again, going on our honesty on that one. Not one meal was skipped. You don't see that we missed any workouts. You don't see that, simply because we didn't skip any. Matter of fact, both of us were not happy with the numbers that we got 4 days ago, as far as inches. I guess we were spoiled by the bigger numbers in the first 2 weeks. :) But, we worked out, Monday AND Tuesday, wanting to round out our 24 Day Challenge, giving it the TEAM BRAATEN effort! We wanted to make this challenge Count! We only get one chance at a 24 Day Challenge. You get one chance to get it right. I can tell you that the transformation I feel inside, and what I see in my wife... I'm not shocked, but I've been waiting for this moment.
I've been waiting, but not taking action. But now that I've acted, I can see a difference. A difference in my attitude. In my effort. In my passion. I used to think that breaking the 400 pound plateau was not impossible, but just too much work. It used to appear to be too hard. It was easier to sit there and do nothing. You know what? Now, I'm talking with my coach and my wife to figure out where I need to be in order to get skin removal surgery! We're talking with a realtor about putting ourselves in position to buy a house in the next 12 months!
You only get one chance at life.
Today is the best day of my life.
Take a look for yourself, rather than reading the numbers. Here are some pics of yours truly and my truly. ;)
But before share, let me say a little something. I can tell you, that with today being our first day "off" the 24 Day Challenge, I was expecting to be able to jump right back into the foods that we ate before. You know, the chips, the breads, the diet sodas, the condiments, the gravies, the grease. Not that I had planned on going back to the way I was, but I did already tell myself that I was going to allow myself to have something, if I wanted it. Not binge and not allow myself to have whatever I wanted, but if something caught my eye... Knowing that we put off my birthday celebration and Mother's Day celebration that we'd probably go out to a dinner or lunch.
Today though, my body was telling me when it was time to eat or grab a snack. It was telling me that it was thirsty. I didn't ignore what it was telling me. I ate a little here and there. We were fed at work today, hamburgers, salad, rootbeer floats. None of it looked good to me, really. I kept portions in mind. First thing I dove into? The salad! Then I only ate one piece of the bun with my burger that had lettuce and tomato on it. I took a sip of the rootbeer, but tossed the rest. You know what? That satisfied me. I found myself wishing I would've packed our lunch, like I've been doing the for last 24 days. This morning for breakfast, I had a breakfast burrito. Well, actually, I had about 1/3 of it. I didn't dare try to eat the whole thing. Besides, I didn't want to. I ate my eggs, some hashbrowns, some of the ham.
And water? I found myself getting out of my chair, not counting the ounces, but I was drinking that stuff down. I did miss my Fruit Punch Spark drink though. I also missed my Berry flavored Meal Shake with a banana, for my usual breakfast.
But the reason you all are checking this blog is for the numbers. So, here you go:
Katie lost a total of 34.75 inches (all over her body) and a total of 12 pounds.
Nick lost a total of 46.75 inches and a total of 30 pounds. I weighed in this a.m. at 437 lbs. Started at 467.
This was over a 24 day period, where we worked out in our Heart Rate Zone for 30 min, every other day. So, you can see, the Lose 12 Inches program is true to our results. But what don't you see?
You don't see that we were true to our word. We said we would do the 24 Day Challenge. We did it. You don't see whether or not we ever cheated. You have to take our word for it. We didn't. You don't see that we didn't, ever, skip any meals. Again, going on our honesty on that one. Not one meal was skipped. You don't see that we missed any workouts. You don't see that, simply because we didn't skip any. Matter of fact, both of us were not happy with the numbers that we got 4 days ago, as far as inches. I guess we were spoiled by the bigger numbers in the first 2 weeks. :) But, we worked out, Monday AND Tuesday, wanting to round out our 24 Day Challenge, giving it the TEAM BRAATEN effort! We wanted to make this challenge Count! We only get one chance at a 24 Day Challenge. You get one chance to get it right. I can tell you that the transformation I feel inside, and what I see in my wife... I'm not shocked, but I've been waiting for this moment.
I've been waiting, but not taking action. But now that I've acted, I can see a difference. A difference in my attitude. In my effort. In my passion. I used to think that breaking the 400 pound plateau was not impossible, but just too much work. It used to appear to be too hard. It was easier to sit there and do nothing. You know what? Now, I'm talking with my coach and my wife to figure out where I need to be in order to get skin removal surgery! We're talking with a realtor about putting ourselves in position to buy a house in the next 12 months!
You only get one chance at life.
Today is the best day of my life.
Take a look for yourself, rather than reading the numbers. Here are some pics of yours truly and my truly. ;)
Monday, May 12, 2014
Day 22 Results; Weighing In
Today marks the wrapping up of 22 days. Three weeks ago, if you would have told me that I'd lose the weight that I've lost... I don't know what to say. I'm shocked. Weighed in at 439 today. Loss of 3 pounds from last week.
Sure, honestly I was skeptical, simply because you think that all the "fast weight loss" stuff is a gimmick. Not that I didn't trust my coach/trainer Ryan Cowboy Ehmann. He'd done the 24 Day Challenge himself. His wife was the one that opened the door for us all. Drew Brees, the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints is the National Spokesperson. They are not just "only diet/trim products." They have supplements for Extremely Active and Fit athletes, all the way down to people that are beginners, wanting to ease their way into nutrition.
But what did I have to lose, to try it out? What is the down side to making a commitment to yourself, making a promise and saying that you're going to do something and then following through with it. Granted, the 24 days is not through yet. It will not be until this Wednesday, when we go to sleep, until it's finished. But what we've gained since starting is far greater than any number on the scale that I've seen so far.
Heck, I'm stepping on scales now. I used to avoid them. We're looking for other ways to get our workouts in. We are trying to find good ways to incorporate different tastes into our foods. We've actually bombed an apple/chicken dish! It was terrible. But I sucked it up and finished it, for it was at that point, I was not eating for taste. I was eating for fuel. Katie got up, washed off her chicken and then ate it.
Since measuring last night, I've been down on myself. The numbers were not big. At all. Not as big as they have been. It was confusing because we've stuck to the book. We have not missed a meal, cheated, or missed a workout. But one week's results does not measure the things we've learned, or the things that we'll take with us. The journey is not done in 21 days. But, good patterns are developed, if you'll allow them to be. Truly, before this 24 Day Challenge is over, I am thankful for the education that I've received from it. I recommend it to anyone. It really is a Jumpstart. Before, I could never imagine myself being "thin" or active. I was just so used to being huge. When I had went back up to 467 pounds, I remember thinking that I was never going to be below 400 pounds, let alone 300 pounds.
Now, Coach Cowboy and I have talked. We're thinking that I'll need to get to about 220-230 pounds to be considered for skin removal. But honestly, I've never thought it was an option! Now??? I totally have goals. I know I'm not going to magically get to 230 pounds in one 24 Day Challenge. But after stepping on the scale today and still seeing a loss, I know I'm going in the right direction.
Katie and I have talked today about my feelings. We know we're not done. We know we have work to put in. But I know I'm not here alone. I am very thankful for her. A loss is a loss. But more importantly, we did not break any promises to ourselves this week. We said we'd workout every other day and not skip meals and eat clean. We did.
Katie actually reached out to my buddy Chris, who I met in Montana at the Fitness Ranch for the first time. She reached out to him, after he had messaged her, just to check in and give her a little encouragement on keeping going and telling her he was proud of her work so far. She let him know that she knew I was down because of the numbers. Again, he responded telling her the same thing that I'd told Chris in Montana, last summer (2013), "It's a marathon, not a sprint!" Today, he then texted me and says, "Progress is Progress, Nick. No matter how big or small." Even my youngest brother Kevin replied and was excited about the loss. I know that I've got support. I try very hard to support Katie. I know there are others out there, feeling the way I felt last night. Again, this is why I share. But still, I know we're going in the right direction. It is a little easier to understand now, since we have had big numbers for 2 weeks. Our bodies are bound to get "used to" the routine and slow down. But that cannot stop us.
Without further ado, here are our numbers, after 22 days:
Katie 12.5 pounds lost 29.25 inches lost (5.75 inches this week)
Nick 28 (3 pounds this week) pounds lost in 22 days; weighing in at 429 pounds: lost 37.35 inches lost (4.25 inches this week)
Not jaw dropping, no. But still, we have proven the lose 12 inches in 12 workouts, before we've even done 12 workouts. We've not cheated. We've not skipped any meals. We have not had any dairy. We have not had any soda or diet soda. We have not had any snacks or chips or cookies or candy. Before, all of this stuff that I've mentioned, would have been done daily. Sometimes, a couple times in a day. We will go out for a dinner, when we're done. We will take a few days off. But, we'll get back on track.
I promise myself, that I will get back on track! What have we shown this far? We have kept these promises.
I am still very proud of what we've done. I can't wait to see where we end up. I feel like a freight train and nothing is going to stop us.
This Is the Best Day of My Life!
I love you Katie! To my other people supporting us: thank you! We love you all.
Sure, honestly I was skeptical, simply because you think that all the "fast weight loss" stuff is a gimmick. Not that I didn't trust my coach/trainer Ryan Cowboy Ehmann. He'd done the 24 Day Challenge himself. His wife was the one that opened the door for us all. Drew Brees, the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints is the National Spokesperson. They are not just "only diet/trim products." They have supplements for Extremely Active and Fit athletes, all the way down to people that are beginners, wanting to ease their way into nutrition.
But what did I have to lose, to try it out? What is the down side to making a commitment to yourself, making a promise and saying that you're going to do something and then following through with it. Granted, the 24 days is not through yet. It will not be until this Wednesday, when we go to sleep, until it's finished. But what we've gained since starting is far greater than any number on the scale that I've seen so far.
Heck, I'm stepping on scales now. I used to avoid them. We're looking for other ways to get our workouts in. We are trying to find good ways to incorporate different tastes into our foods. We've actually bombed an apple/chicken dish! It was terrible. But I sucked it up and finished it, for it was at that point, I was not eating for taste. I was eating for fuel. Katie got up, washed off her chicken and then ate it.
Since measuring last night, I've been down on myself. The numbers were not big. At all. Not as big as they have been. It was confusing because we've stuck to the book. We have not missed a meal, cheated, or missed a workout. But one week's results does not measure the things we've learned, or the things that we'll take with us. The journey is not done in 21 days. But, good patterns are developed, if you'll allow them to be. Truly, before this 24 Day Challenge is over, I am thankful for the education that I've received from it. I recommend it to anyone. It really is a Jumpstart. Before, I could never imagine myself being "thin" or active. I was just so used to being huge. When I had went back up to 467 pounds, I remember thinking that I was never going to be below 400 pounds, let alone 300 pounds.
Now, Coach Cowboy and I have talked. We're thinking that I'll need to get to about 220-230 pounds to be considered for skin removal. But honestly, I've never thought it was an option! Now??? I totally have goals. I know I'm not going to magically get to 230 pounds in one 24 Day Challenge. But after stepping on the scale today and still seeing a loss, I know I'm going in the right direction.
Katie and I have talked today about my feelings. We know we're not done. We know we have work to put in. But I know I'm not here alone. I am very thankful for her. A loss is a loss. But more importantly, we did not break any promises to ourselves this week. We said we'd workout every other day and not skip meals and eat clean. We did.
Katie actually reached out to my buddy Chris, who I met in Montana at the Fitness Ranch for the first time. She reached out to him, after he had messaged her, just to check in and give her a little encouragement on keeping going and telling her he was proud of her work so far. She let him know that she knew I was down because of the numbers. Again, he responded telling her the same thing that I'd told Chris in Montana, last summer (2013), "It's a marathon, not a sprint!" Today, he then texted me and says, "Progress is Progress, Nick. No matter how big or small." Even my youngest brother Kevin replied and was excited about the loss. I know that I've got support. I try very hard to support Katie. I know there are others out there, feeling the way I felt last night. Again, this is why I share. But still, I know we're going in the right direction. It is a little easier to understand now, since we have had big numbers for 2 weeks. Our bodies are bound to get "used to" the routine and slow down. But that cannot stop us.
Without further ado, here are our numbers, after 22 days:
Katie 12.5 pounds lost 29.25 inches lost (5.75 inches this week)
Nick 28 (3 pounds this week) pounds lost in 22 days; weighing in at 429 pounds: lost 37.35 inches lost (4.25 inches this week)
Not jaw dropping, no. But still, we have proven the lose 12 inches in 12 workouts, before we've even done 12 workouts. We've not cheated. We've not skipped any meals. We have not had any dairy. We have not had any soda or diet soda. We have not had any snacks or chips or cookies or candy. Before, all of this stuff that I've mentioned, would have been done daily. Sometimes, a couple times in a day. We will go out for a dinner, when we're done. We will take a few days off. But, we'll get back on track.
I promise myself, that I will get back on track! What have we shown this far? We have kept these promises.
I am still very proud of what we've done. I can't wait to see where we end up. I feel like a freight train and nothing is going to stop us.
This Is the Best Day of My Life!
I love you Katie! To my other people supporting us: thank you! We love you all.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Mother's Day Special: Day 21
Day 21 wrapping up, of our 24 Day Challenge and we remain Perfect!
We are starting to see difference in ourselves, physically, with inches dropping off. Katie's pants and shorts are fitting looser. My t-shirts are not so tight and it feels like the neck is hanging on me when I workout. And it's almost annoying. ;) Does that sound familiar? Complain about wanting change and then complain some more, when something is different.
But really, it was getting to a point where Katie and I are wearing stuff that was getting tighter and tighter, or shirts/pants that we've had for 4 years. Heck for me, I've got t-shirts that are 5+ years old. They're just getting comfy! Just breaking them in! But, we're happy, really, on top of the world! We just don't want to go out and buy anything right yet. We'll get smaller and smaller. That is when we'll go out and get some newer stuff. But the numbers of the inches are going the right direction, for sure. We'll measure again, for the 4th time during this challenge, tonight. I'll report the numbers tomorrow, as well, I'll weigh in tomorrow at my doc's office.
But the purpose of blogging tonight was for this topic. Mother's Day. I was able to get Katie out of the house and we spent time at one of the malls with our kiddos. Let them run around. They got to ride the train, that is like a little golf cart sized train with some pull behind trailers that are the passenger cars, plus, Katie took Tate on the carousel where he was able to ride his favorite dragon. We even treated ourselves out to lunch. But we still didn't cheat! Subway was the choice. Black forest ham and turkey, on wheat (complex carb; only one of the day) all the veggies we could pile on, no mayo, no cheese. Each of us ate a 6 inch. Katie even woke up and was done with her workout by 10:00 a.m. today. She had the rest of the day to herself and us! She did really good. Killed it.
But who is the mother that all of us have? Any guesses? Do you have it yet? Mother Nature. Yep, her. The one who snows on Mother's Day, after she's been teasing you this last month of April with some temps up in the 70's. Well, I bring up Mother Nature for the simple target of being able to talk about Force.
For years and years, Rattlesnake Creek, in Missoula, Montana, had one main channel, where it would flow down and go through town, eventually meeting up and feeding into the Clark Fork River, right near the University of Montana. At one particular are of Rattlesnake Creek, it flows through a public park (no playground) that is mainly just a green area used for lots and lots of pictures, or for anyone that wants to start their hike there (a lot of trailheads) or just going there to read in the peace and quiet, while listening to the wind ruffle the branches or the water flowing. This park is called Greenough Park. Really, a beautiful are of Missoula that showcases it's beauty. The cool thing is, even being a bigger creek, if you go a couple miles up the creek and drive through some residential areas, there are a few different spots you park and walk back to the creek. It is pretty powerful.
Well, I don't recall the year, but we had a huge ice-jam on the Blackfoot River. The Blackfoot River, east of Missoula, is a popular river that a lot of locals will float during the summer, on their tubes, with a rope tied to a cooler, just basking in the sun. Now that is a good way to spend 4 hours of a hot summer day! Anyhow, The Blackfoot also meets up with the Clark Fork River, about 6 miles east of Missoula, so well before the Rattlesnake Creek does. Beings that it got pretty cold that winter, the Blackfoot River froze, on top of the surface and just kept adding ice with the freezing temps. More and more ice built up. I'm sure the ice reached levels of 8 foot deep. There were pictures of a cabin on the side of the river, up the Blackfoot, that was taken out by the expanding ice. Well, naturally, Rattle Snake Creek froze too. Very similar to how the river froze. It eventually built more and more ice.
For us locals, we'd only ever known that one channel through the main part of Greenough Park. But that late winter, early spring, there was so much ice and snow pack at the park, the ice thawed so quickly that right in the middle of the park, underneath the ice on top, stealing the show, a brand new channel had been naturally formed. Not man-made. It was powerful enough that the force caused erosion of the soil underneath all the snow and ice. When the ice and snow cleared, by spring, the new channel was beautiful and peaceful, very much welcomed by all of us. Most of the community that I saw, were just in awe at the raw beauty of power that was displayed.
Tie this around to eating clean and fitness. If there is enough erosion of the negative self-talk, enough erosion of eating junk food, enough erosion of doing no activity, then you can build your own new channel. Tune out of the other channel. Granted this does not fit exactly into the Rattlesnake Creek story, since it's got 2 channels now, just simply known as Rattlesnake Creek. But instead, it does have 2 channels and both of them are beautiful. So, you can still be the same person, just make different choices, if what you want is change. You can still be a beautiful person. You can still have the same friends. You don't have to tell anyone that you're going to change. Think of all that work that took place under the surface of the ice and snow. That could be you! The end result is going to be even more beautiful that you'd ever imagined. You'll wonder why your 2nd channel took so long to show up.
Well, it's kind of a stretch. Work under the surface if you have to but with enough force of changing your patterns and behavior that may have you stuck in a funk, you can change it. If you let it happen and you're ready for a change, you'll be proud of yourself.
I feel very blessed to have what I have. I love you Katie. Happy Mother's Day to you. My mother and grandmother are both very proud of me. I know it. Thank you for your unconditional Love! These changes we're making, they're worth it. Our lives are worth it. Tate's and Cece's lives are worth it.
The Best Day of My Life!
We are starting to see difference in ourselves, physically, with inches dropping off. Katie's pants and shorts are fitting looser. My t-shirts are not so tight and it feels like the neck is hanging on me when I workout. And it's almost annoying. ;) Does that sound familiar? Complain about wanting change and then complain some more, when something is different.
But really, it was getting to a point where Katie and I are wearing stuff that was getting tighter and tighter, or shirts/pants that we've had for 4 years. Heck for me, I've got t-shirts that are 5+ years old. They're just getting comfy! Just breaking them in! But, we're happy, really, on top of the world! We just don't want to go out and buy anything right yet. We'll get smaller and smaller. That is when we'll go out and get some newer stuff. But the numbers of the inches are going the right direction, for sure. We'll measure again, for the 4th time during this challenge, tonight. I'll report the numbers tomorrow, as well, I'll weigh in tomorrow at my doc's office.
But the purpose of blogging tonight was for this topic. Mother's Day. I was able to get Katie out of the house and we spent time at one of the malls with our kiddos. Let them run around. They got to ride the train, that is like a little golf cart sized train with some pull behind trailers that are the passenger cars, plus, Katie took Tate on the carousel where he was able to ride his favorite dragon. We even treated ourselves out to lunch. But we still didn't cheat! Subway was the choice. Black forest ham and turkey, on wheat (complex carb; only one of the day) all the veggies we could pile on, no mayo, no cheese. Each of us ate a 6 inch. Katie even woke up and was done with her workout by 10:00 a.m. today. She had the rest of the day to herself and us! She did really good. Killed it.
But who is the mother that all of us have? Any guesses? Do you have it yet? Mother Nature. Yep, her. The one who snows on Mother's Day, after she's been teasing you this last month of April with some temps up in the 70's. Well, I bring up Mother Nature for the simple target of being able to talk about Force.
For years and years, Rattlesnake Creek, in Missoula, Montana, had one main channel, where it would flow down and go through town, eventually meeting up and feeding into the Clark Fork River, right near the University of Montana. At one particular are of Rattlesnake Creek, it flows through a public park (no playground) that is mainly just a green area used for lots and lots of pictures, or for anyone that wants to start their hike there (a lot of trailheads) or just going there to read in the peace and quiet, while listening to the wind ruffle the branches or the water flowing. This park is called Greenough Park. Really, a beautiful are of Missoula that showcases it's beauty. The cool thing is, even being a bigger creek, if you go a couple miles up the creek and drive through some residential areas, there are a few different spots you park and walk back to the creek. It is pretty powerful.
Well, I don't recall the year, but we had a huge ice-jam on the Blackfoot River. The Blackfoot River, east of Missoula, is a popular river that a lot of locals will float during the summer, on their tubes, with a rope tied to a cooler, just basking in the sun. Now that is a good way to spend 4 hours of a hot summer day! Anyhow, The Blackfoot also meets up with the Clark Fork River, about 6 miles east of Missoula, so well before the Rattlesnake Creek does. Beings that it got pretty cold that winter, the Blackfoot River froze, on top of the surface and just kept adding ice with the freezing temps. More and more ice built up. I'm sure the ice reached levels of 8 foot deep. There were pictures of a cabin on the side of the river, up the Blackfoot, that was taken out by the expanding ice. Well, naturally, Rattle Snake Creek froze too. Very similar to how the river froze. It eventually built more and more ice.
For us locals, we'd only ever known that one channel through the main part of Greenough Park. But that late winter, early spring, there was so much ice and snow pack at the park, the ice thawed so quickly that right in the middle of the park, underneath the ice on top, stealing the show, a brand new channel had been naturally formed. Not man-made. It was powerful enough that the force caused erosion of the soil underneath all the snow and ice. When the ice and snow cleared, by spring, the new channel was beautiful and peaceful, very much welcomed by all of us. Most of the community that I saw, were just in awe at the raw beauty of power that was displayed.
Tie this around to eating clean and fitness. If there is enough erosion of the negative self-talk, enough erosion of eating junk food, enough erosion of doing no activity, then you can build your own new channel. Tune out of the other channel. Granted this does not fit exactly into the Rattlesnake Creek story, since it's got 2 channels now, just simply known as Rattlesnake Creek. But instead, it does have 2 channels and both of them are beautiful. So, you can still be the same person, just make different choices, if what you want is change. You can still be a beautiful person. You can still have the same friends. You don't have to tell anyone that you're going to change. Think of all that work that took place under the surface of the ice and snow. That could be you! The end result is going to be even more beautiful that you'd ever imagined. You'll wonder why your 2nd channel took so long to show up.
Well, it's kind of a stretch. Work under the surface if you have to but with enough force of changing your patterns and behavior that may have you stuck in a funk, you can change it. If you let it happen and you're ready for a change, you'll be proud of yourself.
I feel very blessed to have what I have. I love you Katie. Happy Mother's Day to you. My mother and grandmother are both very proud of me. I know it. Thank you for your unconditional Love! These changes we're making, they're worth it. Our lives are worth it. Tate's and Cece's lives are worth it.
The Best Day of My Life!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Day 19 of 24 Day Challenge
We are wrapping up our 19th day of the 24 Day Challenge. WoooHooo! I'd like to report that we are still Perfect. We have not missed a workout. We have not skipped a meal.
Overall, I'm really astonished at how often, people will choose to do nothing. They talk to me like, "Wow, you guys are doing awesome! What are you doing? Every time I see you guys in the breakroom, eating your lunch, it looks so good! You guys are eating food!" It's like they're shocked that we're eating anything.
People are so used to "Fad-Diets" and other means, as I've mentioned before. For me, that is just not how I choose to do things. I'm glad that people who want change are seeking ways to better themselves. Heck if that's the South Beach Diet, the Body By Jake, The Body Builder's Diet, Slim Fast Shakes... anything. They're trying to make changes! That is very courageous.
But flat out, when you ask me what I'm doing and say that you're impressed, I'd say that is a queue that you're looking. But I have news for you. What you're looking for, it's not gonna knock on the door. You have to go get it. There are lots of ways to be healthier. Little changes in your daily routine, that you do, without thinking about.
Think about this. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Or try not to skip a meal, for a day. Then make a promise to yourself, after a successful day, to do it the next day. If you keep making promises and keep them, you'll string some successes together. Whether you like it or not, you'll build some self-esteem. Then after building some credibility with yourself, you'll get the courage to make a big step where you start holding yourself accountable, or tracking calories, or working out, or finding your heart rate zone, or looking for some helpful vitamins or supplements that will help you see results from your efforts, thus, giving you more determination to stick with it.
I have more news for you. That month, that week, that day, that hour... it's going to pass whether you choose to do something or choose to do nothing.
It's not up to anyone, but you. Nobody can make the choice for you. Hey if you're happy, more power to you. My sharing is really only a way to reach out to them that can relate with me and where I am or where I was. I was scared and embarrassed, at the same time. Heck, I was ashamed. I was ashamed because I knew I was better. I knew that my wife loved me, no matter what. That is something that you just know.
But I took that love for granted. Shame on me! My kids see me as a Super Hero! I can do anything, in their eyes. Instead, I chose to sit there and let them see me sit there, doing nothing. Love them? Hell yes I do. I did then too. But I was not setting any kind of example that I'd want them to follow. Do they not deserve better? Doesn't Katie deserve better? Don't I Deserve Better?
These thoughts would keep me awake at night. If I did sleep, I wasn't sleeping well. I would still talk to people, but inside, I was not happy with how I felt lethargic. I knew I was not happy not being active. I know I'm the type that prefers to be out and about, moving around. Not out doing anything in particular, but just out. But now, I feel a difference. I feel as if my battery has been recharged! I feel more energy. It is amazing how easy this has been.
It's not just the 24 Day Challenge. Sure, it feels good that we are in the home stretch. We have less than a week. I am actually looking forward to seeing what the inches are and what the scale reads. I'm looking forward to it because I know that we've decided to take action. Will the numbers not be as significant, once the Challenge is over? Who knows. Maybe. But I know that we're already making plans of who works out when and what kind of stuff we'll have on our menu. Sure, we may have a difference of what we've been eating, a meal or two, during a week. We may just eat clean for 6 days and take a day off. We don't have it exact yet, but before, we wouldn't even plan.
Starting tomorrow, we'll have 5 days (including) tomorrow. It's kind of funny to look back at just a couple weeks ago, thinking, man, we're only on day 5! Now? We're looking forward to how soon we can get another Challenge started.
I love you Katie. I love you Cece. I love you Tate.
Overall, I'm really astonished at how often, people will choose to do nothing. They talk to me like, "Wow, you guys are doing awesome! What are you doing? Every time I see you guys in the breakroom, eating your lunch, it looks so good! You guys are eating food!" It's like they're shocked that we're eating anything.
People are so used to "Fad-Diets" and other means, as I've mentioned before. For me, that is just not how I choose to do things. I'm glad that people who want change are seeking ways to better themselves. Heck if that's the South Beach Diet, the Body By Jake, The Body Builder's Diet, Slim Fast Shakes... anything. They're trying to make changes! That is very courageous.
But flat out, when you ask me what I'm doing and say that you're impressed, I'd say that is a queue that you're looking. But I have news for you. What you're looking for, it's not gonna knock on the door. You have to go get it. There are lots of ways to be healthier. Little changes in your daily routine, that you do, without thinking about.
Think about this. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Or try not to skip a meal, for a day. Then make a promise to yourself, after a successful day, to do it the next day. If you keep making promises and keep them, you'll string some successes together. Whether you like it or not, you'll build some self-esteem. Then after building some credibility with yourself, you'll get the courage to make a big step where you start holding yourself accountable, or tracking calories, or working out, or finding your heart rate zone, or looking for some helpful vitamins or supplements that will help you see results from your efforts, thus, giving you more determination to stick with it.
I have more news for you. That month, that week, that day, that hour... it's going to pass whether you choose to do something or choose to do nothing.
It's not up to anyone, but you. Nobody can make the choice for you. Hey if you're happy, more power to you. My sharing is really only a way to reach out to them that can relate with me and where I am or where I was. I was scared and embarrassed, at the same time. Heck, I was ashamed. I was ashamed because I knew I was better. I knew that my wife loved me, no matter what. That is something that you just know.
But I took that love for granted. Shame on me! My kids see me as a Super Hero! I can do anything, in their eyes. Instead, I chose to sit there and let them see me sit there, doing nothing. Love them? Hell yes I do. I did then too. But I was not setting any kind of example that I'd want them to follow. Do they not deserve better? Doesn't Katie deserve better? Don't I Deserve Better?
These thoughts would keep me awake at night. If I did sleep, I wasn't sleeping well. I would still talk to people, but inside, I was not happy with how I felt lethargic. I knew I was not happy not being active. I know I'm the type that prefers to be out and about, moving around. Not out doing anything in particular, but just out. But now, I feel a difference. I feel as if my battery has been recharged! I feel more energy. It is amazing how easy this has been.
It's not just the 24 Day Challenge. Sure, it feels good that we are in the home stretch. We have less than a week. I am actually looking forward to seeing what the inches are and what the scale reads. I'm looking forward to it because I know that we've decided to take action. Will the numbers not be as significant, once the Challenge is over? Who knows. Maybe. But I know that we're already making plans of who works out when and what kind of stuff we'll have on our menu. Sure, we may have a difference of what we've been eating, a meal or two, during a week. We may just eat clean for 6 days and take a day off. We don't have it exact yet, but before, we wouldn't even plan.
Starting tomorrow, we'll have 5 days (including) tomorrow. It's kind of funny to look back at just a couple weeks ago, thinking, man, we're only on day 5! Now? We're looking forward to how soon we can get another Challenge started.
I love you Katie. I love you Cece. I love you Tate.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
How ya'll doin? I'm doing Great! The Best Day of My Life! :)
Anyhow, let's cut the crap and get down to brass tax... Are you paying attention? Ok, let's do this.
Listen up. No, not to me. Listen to you. Listen to yourself. What do you want? Don't ignore yourself. Do you want different? Do you want better for yourself? Do you want change? Do you want a beer (just kidding he he he)? Do you want to talk to an old friend that you haven't talked to? Perhaps you guys parted on bad terms over something childish. Maybe it's a sibling. Who knows. What if I told you that the ball is in your court? Would that change the way you think about it?
Maybe you feel like it's something that is way too big to tackle. I have no means of telling people how to feel. All I know is that as cruel as I was to myself and the thoughts that came into my head during them tough times, I believe that I have a little clue to how some of ya'll might be feeling. Not all of you, heck maybe none of you. But maybe some.
How do you prepare for something so huge? Well, the old saying goes, "You gotta start somewhere." I'll assume you've heard that somewhere, before today, from this blog. There is truth to that too. You do have to start somewhere. But, if you don't have a plan, that can turn into a fierce mess, in a hurry. So, you have to lay the ground work.
Maybe the ground work consists of writing down goals. For some that works. They need to see it. That is my wife to a "T". We shop at a rather popular store that has it's own brand of people on the inter-web of "Holy Crap is That Really Real?"-pictures. Maybe you can guess? But anyhow, they match prices from other local stores, so it makes it easy to do all of your shopping in one stop. When Katie and I get into a better spot, and we will, we'll support the local "Ma & Pa" stores. Really, we will. But when we go shopping, Katie asks me for the list. We discuss it together. Then she gets in her finest surfing git-up and hops aboard the internet wave to go match the lowest prices. She writes them down, in the order that we want to shop in. We place all of our "price-match" items in the front of the cart. When we work out, we have our own particular, individual playlists. We like our songs in order. It helps us. For being precise, creates more "us" time. For our family. For whatever. But, in a way, them things that we've had enough practice at, we've gotten into a system. We don't even think about them anymore. It's just second nature.
I actually worked in construction. It was one of the most physically challenging jobs I've ever done. You know what? I did it for $8.00 per hour. No Over-Time Pay, no insurance, no pay structure for raises, etc... Just go to work, get dirty, really dirty, get hot, get sun burned, get sweaty, keep working. Now, the guy I worked for, he had a system. There were certain ways that we would prepare to build the foundation. First you have to dig the hole. Then you have to read your prints and survey. You have to prepare to build the footings. You then build the footings, but at that time, you're also preparing for the walls, standing up the rebar for structure. Then you tie the rebar together, but also preparing the correct areas for openings, like window wells, garage doors, etc... After tieing the rebar, you then finally start to put up your forms for the actual foundation walls. While building the walls, you start with your corners and make sure they're square and level. Then you fill in the rest between, but also preparing for your supports and planning their position, keeping an eye out for anything that may not pass inspection by the city. Then after inspection is cleared, you can finally start to poor the mud to fill in your walls, but still, during the poor, you probe down inside the mud to pop any air pockets.
Do you get it? You look at a foundation of a house and maybe you think, "Wow, that is cool how that supports the home. It has to be there for the sound structure of the home. If the foundation is compromised, it can get ugly. Matter of fact, it probably will. It's not just a Band-Aid fix. It's a major repair. It has to be perfect to support the weight of the roof. But you probably don't think all that work and planning and preparation go into just the foundation. Then again, maybe you're a contractor, reading this and thinking, "Boy, this Nick guy is full of crap!"
But, reread what I just shared with you. While you're doing one job, you're actually setting up another part of the next job. If you forget something, you could be jeopardizing or creating more work down the road. But, if you're efficient, with a good game plan, you can build a fantastic foundation that is capable for withstanding the fiercest of storms and struggles. The foundation will always remain standing.
This 24 Day Challenge is awesome! That is for sure. I love seeing the fast results. But really, what it is for me is a string of days, that Katie and I put together, so far, for 18 days, that is building our foundation. In order to be prepared for later, we must work now. Be it for health, for our kiddos, for our jobs, for retirement, for play, etc...
Good choices goes beyond any 24 Day Challenge, but I'm grateful that I have such a view now, before it was too late, of what I want. I've always been a pretty good dude. I've always liked cracking jokes or whatever. Hey if you were moving into a new place, my brothers and I, would be the first ones there to help out. Yeah, I've had some less than proud moments, but I'm glad those are over with. But in these last couple weeks, I've seen the person that I want to be and I am grateful to share that with ya'll.
I'm getting excited to see what results we'll see this Sunday when we measure, but overall, I'm extremely proud of my wife and I. Tonight, I had a bad ass workout blasting my music. It was awesome to see my kids, watching me sweat my rear off. I had them WoooHooo-ing, yelling, jumping, dancing. I'd have them yell things like, "I love you daddy!" "Good job daddy!" "Go daddy go!" "Go Broncos!" and we'd sing whatever song was on. Tonight, I am very proud of Myself. For a very brief 2 seconds today, I had some back pain revisit me. I actually thought I was not going to be able to work out. But, I kicked that old mind set's ass out. No room for that when you're making changes, like I promised myself, I was going to do it.
Katie, I know you're reading this. I am extremely proud of you. You inspire me to be the best. It's because of you that I wanted to prove that I could workout tonight. Thank you for that. I love you.
To everyone else reading, just ask yourself: Do you want better?
Go get it.
Anyhow, let's cut the crap and get down to brass tax... Are you paying attention? Ok, let's do this.
Listen up. No, not to me. Listen to you. Listen to yourself. What do you want? Don't ignore yourself. Do you want different? Do you want better for yourself? Do you want change? Do you want a beer (just kidding he he he)? Do you want to talk to an old friend that you haven't talked to? Perhaps you guys parted on bad terms over something childish. Maybe it's a sibling. Who knows. What if I told you that the ball is in your court? Would that change the way you think about it?
Maybe you feel like it's something that is way too big to tackle. I have no means of telling people how to feel. All I know is that as cruel as I was to myself and the thoughts that came into my head during them tough times, I believe that I have a little clue to how some of ya'll might be feeling. Not all of you, heck maybe none of you. But maybe some.
How do you prepare for something so huge? Well, the old saying goes, "You gotta start somewhere." I'll assume you've heard that somewhere, before today, from this blog. There is truth to that too. You do have to start somewhere. But, if you don't have a plan, that can turn into a fierce mess, in a hurry. So, you have to lay the ground work.
Maybe the ground work consists of writing down goals. For some that works. They need to see it. That is my wife to a "T". We shop at a rather popular store that has it's own brand of people on the inter-web of "Holy Crap is That Really Real?"-pictures. Maybe you can guess? But anyhow, they match prices from other local stores, so it makes it easy to do all of your shopping in one stop. When Katie and I get into a better spot, and we will, we'll support the local "Ma & Pa" stores. Really, we will. But when we go shopping, Katie asks me for the list. We discuss it together. Then she gets in her finest surfing git-up and hops aboard the internet wave to go match the lowest prices. She writes them down, in the order that we want to shop in. We place all of our "price-match" items in the front of the cart. When we work out, we have our own particular, individual playlists. We like our songs in order. It helps us. For being precise, creates more "us" time. For our family. For whatever. But, in a way, them things that we've had enough practice at, we've gotten into a system. We don't even think about them anymore. It's just second nature.
I actually worked in construction. It was one of the most physically challenging jobs I've ever done. You know what? I did it for $8.00 per hour. No Over-Time Pay, no insurance, no pay structure for raises, etc... Just go to work, get dirty, really dirty, get hot, get sun burned, get sweaty, keep working. Now, the guy I worked for, he had a system. There were certain ways that we would prepare to build the foundation. First you have to dig the hole. Then you have to read your prints and survey. You have to prepare to build the footings. You then build the footings, but at that time, you're also preparing for the walls, standing up the rebar for structure. Then you tie the rebar together, but also preparing the correct areas for openings, like window wells, garage doors, etc... After tieing the rebar, you then finally start to put up your forms for the actual foundation walls. While building the walls, you start with your corners and make sure they're square and level. Then you fill in the rest between, but also preparing for your supports and planning their position, keeping an eye out for anything that may not pass inspection by the city. Then after inspection is cleared, you can finally start to poor the mud to fill in your walls, but still, during the poor, you probe down inside the mud to pop any air pockets.
Do you get it? You look at a foundation of a house and maybe you think, "Wow, that is cool how that supports the home. It has to be there for the sound structure of the home. If the foundation is compromised, it can get ugly. Matter of fact, it probably will. It's not just a Band-Aid fix. It's a major repair. It has to be perfect to support the weight of the roof. But you probably don't think all that work and planning and preparation go into just the foundation. Then again, maybe you're a contractor, reading this and thinking, "Boy, this Nick guy is full of crap!"
But, reread what I just shared with you. While you're doing one job, you're actually setting up another part of the next job. If you forget something, you could be jeopardizing or creating more work down the road. But, if you're efficient, with a good game plan, you can build a fantastic foundation that is capable for withstanding the fiercest of storms and struggles. The foundation will always remain standing.
This 24 Day Challenge is awesome! That is for sure. I love seeing the fast results. But really, what it is for me is a string of days, that Katie and I put together, so far, for 18 days, that is building our foundation. In order to be prepared for later, we must work now. Be it for health, for our kiddos, for our jobs, for retirement, for play, etc...
Good choices goes beyond any 24 Day Challenge, but I'm grateful that I have such a view now, before it was too late, of what I want. I've always been a pretty good dude. I've always liked cracking jokes or whatever. Hey if you were moving into a new place, my brothers and I, would be the first ones there to help out. Yeah, I've had some less than proud moments, but I'm glad those are over with. But in these last couple weeks, I've seen the person that I want to be and I am grateful to share that with ya'll.
I'm getting excited to see what results we'll see this Sunday when we measure, but overall, I'm extremely proud of my wife and I. Tonight, I had a bad ass workout blasting my music. It was awesome to see my kids, watching me sweat my rear off. I had them WoooHooo-ing, yelling, jumping, dancing. I'd have them yell things like, "I love you daddy!" "Good job daddy!" "Go daddy go!" "Go Broncos!" and we'd sing whatever song was on. Tonight, I am very proud of Myself. For a very brief 2 seconds today, I had some back pain revisit me. I actually thought I was not going to be able to work out. But, I kicked that old mind set's ass out. No room for that when you're making changes, like I promised myself, I was going to do it.
Katie, I know you're reading this. I am extremely proud of you. You inspire me to be the best. It's because of you that I wanted to prove that I could workout tonight. Thank you for that. I love you.
To everyone else reading, just ask yourself: Do you want better?
Go get it.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Day 17. "Tricks!"
Hi everyone! Again, thank you for returning. As I've said before, thank you for visiting if it's your first stop. Share if you like.
I have a couple of topics today that I'd like to touch on:
1. How much is too much food?
2. Workout Tricks for staying in your heart rate zone.
First Topic:
When I tell people that I'm doing the 24 Day Challenge they automatically ask questions and sweep it under the rug as "one of those programs." So it does take me a couple of attempts to get the point across: Only things we get from AdvoCare is the supplements needed for the 24 Day Challenge! All of the food, we provide on our own. During Phase 1 (Cleanse Phase) we're responsible for 3 meals and 3 snacks. For Phase II (Max Phase) there is a Meal Replacement Shake that you use for one of your meals.
With me being bigger, I use more resources. We all know it does absolutely no good to starve your body to the point where it starts burning your lean muscle. This is what happens when you skip meals. Some trainers even say, if you don't have any food on you, but it's time to eat at least a snack, stop and grab something. Heck, even a burger from the drive through would give your body something to burn. Granted you might want to work a little extra long in your heart rate zone that day, to help burn it up. This is why preparation is essential. But like I said, after I get past the point of telling people that "Yes, we eat and we eat well during our Challenge," then we're able to talk. I explain that an average size guy/gal is not going to eat like I eat, for their body wouldn't burn all of that, typically, unless their extremely fit and extremely active. So here is my breakfast on some days:
4-5 eggs (eggs are 2 oz of protein ea.)
Complex carb 1-2 servings (1/2 oatmeal works, or a whole wheat tortilla x2 for an egg mushroom wrap)
Fruit (usually a banana if my protein is my Berry Flavored (Meal Replacement Shake) and I'll make it like a smoothie) if not, and if I'm full by then, I won't eat the fruit, I'll save that for a snack, about an hour later.
So I try to eat largest portions in the a.m. early in the day. Then I taper off. My lunch will not be 10 oz of protein. It'll likely be 8 oz. Then either 6 or 8 at dinner.
Plus we're getting 2-3 snacks a day. We're far from hungry. Katie, of course, does not eat as much at one sitting as I do, but she does eat at the same times as I, to keep her metabolism moving.
I never would have thought that I'd be eating THIS much but still losing 25 pounds in 15 days!
For you, just stay on track. I'm not a nutritionist. I'm not a scientist. I'm not a personal trainer. All you have to go on, is what you've done in the past. Has that worked? If it has, great. But if you're one of the many out there that have lost then gained, lost then gained and now doing neither because you've given up: I ask you to get up. Do something. Any action is good. The more you gain interest, the more you'll want to learn about it. The more you learn, the faster the results, hopefully the more committed you'll be.
Which brings me to my next topic - Tricks in the Heart Rate Zone!!! Yep! There are tricks.
What if you're working out and sweating up a storm, you're already beyond your warm up phase, into the actual workout and you are supposed to be from 142-158 beats per minute for your fat burning heart rate zone, but you're at a 161? What do you do?
STOP!!! Lay flat on your back. Stand there. Do something less intense (squatting in place). But don't keep going at the pace you're at. For me, I just step of the sides of the belt on the treadmill. You know what? I let my heart rate come all the way down, almost to the bottom of my range/zone! Then I hop back on and I try to peak it! Yep. That is something that your stubborn body fat hates! It can't get in a "comfort zone" where it's allowed to be stubborn. But if you've found a way to stay in your heart rate zone, without stopping, that is freaking awesome!
But if you think about it, if you Peak & Crash your heart rate in your zone, you're creating small interval breaks where you can get a sip of water out of your bottle that you have right next to you. Hydration is key! Not just during working out, but the whole day. The more and more you drink, the more your body wants.
But how cool is that? No matter what you're doing, if you're in your zone, you're burning fat. That is the way the body is designed. It is important that the more and more your heart gets in shape, you recalibrate your zone. The links to the right on this page will get you info on how to get your own unique heart rate as well as your own 24 Day Challenge.
No stories today. Just a little bit of explanation. I did go workout some today, on my day off from workouts. My day is tomorrow. Katie's day is today. But I went anyhow. Why not, right? But I was watching her. She nailed it again! I love how good about herself she is feeling these days. I love the energy we have! I feel like a different man.
Daddy loves you Cece! Daddy loves you, Tate! I love you babe!
The Best Day of My Life!
I have a couple of topics today that I'd like to touch on:
1. How much is too much food?
2. Workout Tricks for staying in your heart rate zone.
First Topic:
When I tell people that I'm doing the 24 Day Challenge they automatically ask questions and sweep it under the rug as "one of those programs." So it does take me a couple of attempts to get the point across: Only things we get from AdvoCare is the supplements needed for the 24 Day Challenge! All of the food, we provide on our own. During Phase 1 (Cleanse Phase) we're responsible for 3 meals and 3 snacks. For Phase II (Max Phase) there is a Meal Replacement Shake that you use for one of your meals.
With me being bigger, I use more resources. We all know it does absolutely no good to starve your body to the point where it starts burning your lean muscle. This is what happens when you skip meals. Some trainers even say, if you don't have any food on you, but it's time to eat at least a snack, stop and grab something. Heck, even a burger from the drive through would give your body something to burn. Granted you might want to work a little extra long in your heart rate zone that day, to help burn it up. This is why preparation is essential. But like I said, after I get past the point of telling people that "Yes, we eat and we eat well during our Challenge," then we're able to talk. I explain that an average size guy/gal is not going to eat like I eat, for their body wouldn't burn all of that, typically, unless their extremely fit and extremely active. So here is my breakfast on some days:
4-5 eggs (eggs are 2 oz of protein ea.)
Complex carb 1-2 servings (1/2 oatmeal works, or a whole wheat tortilla x2 for an egg mushroom wrap)
Fruit (usually a banana if my protein is my Berry Flavored (Meal Replacement Shake) and I'll make it like a smoothie) if not, and if I'm full by then, I won't eat the fruit, I'll save that for a snack, about an hour later.
So I try to eat largest portions in the a.m. early in the day. Then I taper off. My lunch will not be 10 oz of protein. It'll likely be 8 oz. Then either 6 or 8 at dinner.
Plus we're getting 2-3 snacks a day. We're far from hungry. Katie, of course, does not eat as much at one sitting as I do, but she does eat at the same times as I, to keep her metabolism moving.
I never would have thought that I'd be eating THIS much but still losing 25 pounds in 15 days!
For you, just stay on track. I'm not a nutritionist. I'm not a scientist. I'm not a personal trainer. All you have to go on, is what you've done in the past. Has that worked? If it has, great. But if you're one of the many out there that have lost then gained, lost then gained and now doing neither because you've given up: I ask you to get up. Do something. Any action is good. The more you gain interest, the more you'll want to learn about it. The more you learn, the faster the results, hopefully the more committed you'll be.
Which brings me to my next topic - Tricks in the Heart Rate Zone!!! Yep! There are tricks.
What if you're working out and sweating up a storm, you're already beyond your warm up phase, into the actual workout and you are supposed to be from 142-158 beats per minute for your fat burning heart rate zone, but you're at a 161? What do you do?
STOP!!! Lay flat on your back. Stand there. Do something less intense (squatting in place). But don't keep going at the pace you're at. For me, I just step of the sides of the belt on the treadmill. You know what? I let my heart rate come all the way down, almost to the bottom of my range/zone! Then I hop back on and I try to peak it! Yep. That is something that your stubborn body fat hates! It can't get in a "comfort zone" where it's allowed to be stubborn. But if you've found a way to stay in your heart rate zone, without stopping, that is freaking awesome!
But if you think about it, if you Peak & Crash your heart rate in your zone, you're creating small interval breaks where you can get a sip of water out of your bottle that you have right next to you. Hydration is key! Not just during working out, but the whole day. The more and more you drink, the more your body wants.
But how cool is that? No matter what you're doing, if you're in your zone, you're burning fat. That is the way the body is designed. It is important that the more and more your heart gets in shape, you recalibrate your zone. The links to the right on this page will get you info on how to get your own unique heart rate as well as your own 24 Day Challenge.
No stories today. Just a little bit of explanation. I did go workout some today, on my day off from workouts. My day is tomorrow. Katie's day is today. But I went anyhow. Why not, right? But I was watching her. She nailed it again! I love how good about herself she is feeling these days. I love the energy we have! I feel like a different man.
Daddy loves you Cece! Daddy loves you, Tate! I love you babe!
The Best Day of My Life!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Day 16 of 24 Day Challenge
Wow!!! 16 days. Perfect.
Heard from a cousin that he started working out last night. That is pretty powerfully and inspires me to keep going! Perfect or not, it is always a choice. As for him, is it AdvoCate or Heart Rate Training? Nope. But I view working out and being healthier a personal choice. Do what's right by you. Nobody else. Am I gonna bust his balls because it's not heart rate training? Nope. I won't because any movement is good. Even better, the more you workout, the more endorphins you release and burn toxins, overall lifting your mood. Also a benefit for me that I've noticed, besides the energy, is I'm not nearly as negative about myself or how I perceive myself. I know that I have a long way to go, but for today, I chose the right direction, for continuing the change that I want to make.
But for those that choose HCG shots, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, Body For Life, Biggest Loser, Extreme Weight loss w/ Chris Powell, Atkins, Weight Watchers, etc... Do what you do. Be committed. Be true to yourself. I'm not here to bash anyone else. I know what what we're doing works.
Happy to say that we've completed our 16th day of Perfection. Plus I got a killer workout in tonight. We have our meals planned for tomorrow too. Can't wait for my berry smoothie in the a.m.!!!!
The Best Day of My Life.
I love you Katie!!!
Heard from a cousin that he started working out last night. That is pretty powerfully and inspires me to keep going! Perfect or not, it is always a choice. As for him, is it AdvoCate or Heart Rate Training? Nope. But I view working out and being healthier a personal choice. Do what's right by you. Nobody else. Am I gonna bust his balls because it's not heart rate training? Nope. I won't because any movement is good. Even better, the more you workout, the more endorphins you release and burn toxins, overall lifting your mood. Also a benefit for me that I've noticed, besides the energy, is I'm not nearly as negative about myself or how I perceive myself. I know that I have a long way to go, but for today, I chose the right direction, for continuing the change that I want to make.
But for those that choose HCG shots, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, Body For Life, Biggest Loser, Extreme Weight loss w/ Chris Powell, Atkins, Weight Watchers, etc... Do what you do. Be committed. Be true to yourself. I'm not here to bash anyone else. I know what what we're doing works.
Happy to say that we've completed our 16th day of Perfection. Plus I got a killer workout in tonight. We have our meals planned for tomorrow too. Can't wait for my berry smoothie in the a.m.!!!!
The Best Day of My Life.
I love you Katie!!!
Monday, May 5, 2014
14 Day Weigh-Ins
To date here are our figures.
Katie is down 10 pounds and 23.5 inches lost (11.5 this last week) at 3 workouts.
I am down 25 pounds and 33 inches (over 20 inches lost this last week) at 4 workouts.
I am tipping the scales at 442.6 pounds.
The winner by knock out and still Perfectly Undefeated!!!! Team Braaten!
I'm celebrating with my family tonight, enjoying some time together. Signing off earlier than usual. Besides, I gave ya'll a pretty good story last time.
But how about them numbers? I know it's more than just the numbers, but still, it is Damn nice to see results directly related to how focused we've been on doing what we said we were going to do.
Have you slipped up? Not started? Rusty? Get back on track! When you believe in yourself, others will believe in you too. If you don't want to do it for yourself, just think of the other people that you might inspire! Before you know it, you'll be 10 days into it and forever grateful.
I feel like a changed man! I love my wife. I love my kiddos.
The Best Day of My Life!
Katie is down 10 pounds and 23.5 inches lost (11.5 this last week) at 3 workouts.
I am down 25 pounds and 33 inches (over 20 inches lost this last week) at 4 workouts.
I am tipping the scales at 442.6 pounds.
The winner by knock out and still Perfectly Undefeated!!!! Team Braaten!
I'm celebrating with my family tonight, enjoying some time together. Signing off earlier than usual. Besides, I gave ya'll a pretty good story last time.
But how about them numbers? I know it's more than just the numbers, but still, it is Damn nice to see results directly related to how focused we've been on doing what we said we were going to do.
Have you slipped up? Not started? Rusty? Get back on track! When you believe in yourself, others will believe in you too. If you don't want to do it for yourself, just think of the other people that you might inspire! Before you know it, you'll be 10 days into it and forever grateful.
I feel like a changed man! I love my wife. I love my kiddos.
The Best Day of My Life!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Last Chance....
While I enjoy my grape Spark energy/vitamin/amino acid drink, I figured why not do a quick blog?
Back to the title. I usually try to make the title somehow, relate to the topic of the blog. That is what writers do, correct? "Last Chance," Do those words sound familiar? Ever watched "The Biggest Loser?" They do the Last Chance Workout.
How about the Extreme Weight Loss with Chris Powell? That is a good one. More one on one. But even he, before the clients/participants have a 3 month weigh ins, I remember an episode where he had the client run/jog across a bridge that was about 2 miles in length.
Well, today is the 14th day of our 24 Day Challenge. This means tonight, we will see how we measure up to our very first numbers. How many inches we've lost. But also, this is the day of my 4th workout of the week. Katie beat me by 2 inches last time, but she also got in one more workout. So today, possibly a "Last Chance Workout," or just a regular workout? We'll see. I guess you'll have to check back tomorrow. Plus I'm hoping to stop by the doc's office tomorrow to weigh in.
Well, since it is a weekend and there is a little more time to blog, how about a story? Well, there are lots I could pick from, regarding this brother of mine. I have 2. Both are younger than I. There is Jeff (the one in the US Air Force; blonde) and Kevin is the youngest of us boys (probably the most athletically gifted of us boys, being able to pick up about any sport and be decent, if not good, at it; the Ginger/redhead). The story I have in mind for you, is regarding Kevin. I promise it will tie back around and be related to fitness. Just stick with me. ;)
Well, looking at me, you'd expect my brothers to probably be built like I, but they're not. Nor do they have the hairy bodies, or same color of eyes, or same color of hair. Same sense of humor? Absolutely! Same passion for helping others? For sure. Same love and appreciation of the brotherhood we have? I sure hope so. We all want the best for the other 2 brothers. But like I said, Kevin is, in my opinion, the most athletically "gifted" of us 3. We've all got decent shots/form when it comes to basketball. Granted, Jeff has the most balling experience. Both Kevin and Jeff have the best releases. Both played high school ball, both at Hellgate High School. Kevin's list of sports is a little longer than either mine or Jeff's. He's done quite a bit: flag football, Little Grizzly Football (like a kids' tackle) Baseball, Track and Field, Basketball, even not too bad when just fooling around with Tennis, pool, bowling, volleyball, etc... I am probably missing something. But just want to give credit where credit is due.
I remember a game where I recall Kevin was in the 9th grade. Not a big kid. Average. Probably 5'9" tall, maybe 5'10". Probably around 145-155 pounds. Yep, pretty average. But I believe, without having scientific tests done, I'd say his body fat percentage was hovering around 12%-15%. Not too bad when you consider the eating habits of an average high school young man. But just the level and amount of exercise they were getting in. He'd just finished up a summer filled with AAU Basketball, Basketball Tournaments, Little Grizzly Football and then followed up with a few months of high school football for Hellgate. Did pretty good too. He played corner/wide receiver/kicker. It was fun to watch him. But now it was basketball season. This is our love. This is where our passion was and is.
In this particular game, I don't recall the score, but we were playing a pretty good team. All of the freshmen on this team were bigger than our biggest kids. Not as skilled of ball players, in any way, but bigger, to say the least. They had this one kid, he was a post player. He was probably pushing 200 pounds and easily 6'2" plus. Well, the assignment was that Kevin was guarding him. As you could imagine, the game plan from the other team was to keep pounding the ball in the post, in the paint. Kevin damn sure held his own. Naturally the other kid scored, but not as much as you'd expect.
There was one play in particular that I believe kind of set the tone for the rest of the game. It happened early in the game. We'd turned the ball over. They'd set up their half-court offense and ran the play. The kid who shot the ball, assumed it had went in. So did the rest of their team. Except Kevin's kid and Kevin. They were down low, anticipating a rebound. The both of them were a little distance from the ball in the air. This means that they didn't get to jump straight up to go for the ball. They had to cover a little distance. They went for the ball at the same time and BAM! One of them hit the floor. It sounded like it had some pretty good force to the contact of the floor.
Now, you'd expect, based on size, it was Kevin on the floor. Oh no...it wasn't. The bigger kid didn't go up strong enough. He underestimated my little brother and he paid for it. Kevin got the rebound securely with 2 hands. As well, he came down with it and stood strong with it. He went up with a purpose. It was a good moment. But really, the other parents in the stands were all surprised. Not me. I knew that Kevin was mostly muscle. Even being 155 pounds. He was solid.
Being raised the way we were, we went into the mountains of Montana and cut our own trees, cut them up, loaded them into the truck, unloaded them, split the rounds, loaded them back into the truck, then unloaded them into the woodshed, then hauled arm-loads into the house. We hiked around. We played lots and lots of basketball, shooting hoops, tossing a football around, etc... He was fit. He was solid. He was lean.
There is a difference between 300 pounds and lazy and being 300 pounds, when you're lifting weights and have a good strong muscular heart that is in good shape. Granted, 300 pounds is not my ultimate goal. I remember getting married at a size that I was 326 pounds. Smaller than I was when I was a freshman in high school. But was I fit? No. I could pick up a ball and shoot some hoops, but I was lazy. Didn't work out. Heck, I wasn't even shooting hoops at that time in my life, when Katie and I got married.
How does this tie into fitness? Remember when I blogged a while ago and mentioned about what people say, and it's annoying? "Muscle weighs more than fat."
I understand what they're trying to say. Fat takes up more space than muscle. Yeah, but it doesn't mean it weighs more. You can take 10 pounds of rock and 20 pounds of feathers. People think that a single feather weighs less than a single rock, so therefore, the rocks always weigh more... blah blah blah. Now, I'm not calling this other kid fat. He was far from it. Kevin was more solid. Bottom line. He was leaner. So although Kevin looked a lot smaller, his looks deceived his weight.
But in losing weight and inches, if that is your goal, be sure to keep in mind, the idea is to be leaner than when we started. Nobody wants to lose lean muscle. Lean muscle is essential in burning calories and a good metabolism.
Tune in tomorrow. It might be a short blog, but likely, it'll contain our inches and weight!
Thank you for reading. Remember to share if you like it.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Halfway Through 24 Day Challenge
Today we start day 13, or if you wish, Day 3 of our Max Phase, of the 24 Day Challenge.
I got in a very good feeling workout last night. I was going to go to the rec center. I like how my chest strap heart rate monitor communicated with the heart rate monitors on the machines I use there. It makes it nice to just see what your heart rate is at, constantly on the display. But, as I said, I was going to go there, but by the time we got done with the kiddos at a Kangaroo Zoo, it was too late to get them home and ready for bed and still have time to get into my Superman gig, like I do when I'm about to work out. So, no rec center for me last night. But even though we were rushed to get the kiddos some exercise in that big ol' bounce house style inflatables with obstacle courses and big ol' inflatable slides and such (they played soooo hard), it is such a good feeling that:
a) We didn't eat out or eat junk. Instead, we ate before we left. We had lean beef and veggies. No complex carb. AND we both refilled our water bottles. You know what is funny? We were both way past our gallon, for the day and we still chose to continue perfection.
b) We got home a littler later then I like to work out. So, did I chose not to work out? Absolutely not! I did what I said I was going to do. We discussed how cram packed the night was going to be, but without any hesitation Katie said, "Well, you're still going to workout, it's not like you're going to skip it." We both already knew that skipping was not an option.
But a couple of other things that were pretty epic before all this happened. Let me lay them out for you. Keep reading.
First, I'll start with a friend of mine. No, it's not Katie. I didn't say Best Friend. :) But this friend of mine, is from way back when I first moved down to Salt Lake City, UT, years ago, back in 1998-99ish. I moved down here on a whim, with my buddy Brian. Does that sound gay? Haha. Just kidding. He is a good buddy for sure. Been through a lot with that dude. But back to this gal. Well back then, we worked together and then she worked for me at a 50's themed diner. That was fun. Poodle skirts, 50's music... really, this is a generation that I probably should have been a part of. I actually do like to watch them kind of movies: Happy Days series on TV when I was between 6-9 years old. Just fascinated with it. Um let's see... American Graffiti, Grease the musical. Um yeah, I just said that. Wow, now that does make it sound gay. But you know what? It doesn't really matter. It is a good flick. I'll always be a nerd. That is something that I'll pass down to my offsprungs. :)
Back on track with the news about my friend. We ran into Mandi, downtown last month. About a month ago. I totally forgot that it was her birthday, but the funny thing was, she was just leaving the restaurant and we were just going in. It was really busy because of a lot of kids that were gussied up to go to the prom. Fun. But I had never ran into her, in quite some time, including the last 5 years that I've lived in SLC, or the last 5 years that I've been with Katie. So her and Katie had never met. So although it was rushed, I introduced them. But later, it came back to me, SHOOT! Mandi was at that place because it was her bday. That was the same reason that Katie and I were going. We had a couple of bday coupons for discounts at dinner! So I texted Mandi and gave her a well wish for a good rest of her bday, although there was only about 3.5 hours left in the day.
But how do you get the balls to tell someone about something new you're going to do in just a couple of weeks, when it's relates to their health? How do you break the ice and say, "Hey, would you like to lose some weight or inches?" Really, in some/most cases, the person you direct that question to, they've probably already looked in the mirror, once a day for the last year, 3 years, 20 years and wished that they were more fit or trim, or at the least bit, wished they were not as big as they were. They're more than likely going to take it, not offensively always, but they're probably going to hear "you're fat." Well, that is not the case here. I was trusting my old friendship with Mandi that she would take it for what it was worth and that is, me, simply and kindly offering a new way for a good quick Jumpstart of taking some control back, of a life of feeling like a victim in your own skin.
So, she said Yes! She was willing to give it another go, and not quit. She'd admitted that she has dieted and worked out and done the whole portion control stuff, before. She then said that, yes, she'd do pretty good, but since she was not able to see results, it'd usually end up binging after anywhere from 5 days to 14 days. But she didn't want that.
Well, today is day 6 of her Cleanse Phase of Her 24 Day Challenge. Out of respect, I will not post her weight. But last night, I got a text. after Katie and I had gone to bed. Katie heard my phone chime. She picked it up and looked at it. She woke me up! I was sleeping good too! I was pretty tired. Katie is a slave driver. ;) But she said, "Babe, you gotta read this!" It was a text, from Mandi, and it read:
"Doin good! I weighed myself on Sunday night at xxx lbs and I just weighed at xxx.x lbs.!" In just 5 days on Her 24 Day Challenge, Mandi has lost 10.6 pounds! Great job! That is what you can get, if you just get it set in your head, "I'm doing this. Nothing is going to stop me." "I can do anything for 24 Days!" Honestly, some people freak out and their stomachs get tied in knots, worrying sick about what's going to happen in 10 years. "OMG I gotta do this diet for 10 years!!! That is way to long!" So they get overwhelmed. Then they quit, in their mind, before they even get a chance to change or believe in themselves. Really, it is sad. But you know what? This leads Perfectly into my next Epic news of the day, for yesterday:
Secondly, and the best part (actually was from the day before yesterday) was saved for the last: My beautiful wife. Wow. What a great way to view what we're doing on this 24 Day Challenge. Really, we're vulnerable, on purpose, with a mindset to accept that we want to change. But in order to change, we have to be willing to change. A lot of that change, is choices.
But let me share what she shared on Facebook, openly to everyone. Everyone that knows her now, as well, everyone that knew her as a young lady and a possibly even a kid. People that have seen her as a single lady, before we got together. Co-workers that see her every day, as well, before she had her gastric bypass surgery (which she did very very good at). But read this post:
"I've never EVER been able to look at food as fuel and that is it. Food has ALWAYS been associated to a feeling for me...always. Guess what???? To me, this is a miracle. Food is fuel! That's it! Sure cookie and cake are delicious and I won't ever deny it. Bu I can live without it. I can pass by it and not eve think twice. I'm not deprived because I didn't get a cookie! Come on, it's pretty sad if my emotional status is based on whether or not I get a cookie! To some of you this may be your normal every day feeling. Food is fuel. To me, no joke, it is and Epiphany! How can something so simple, make me feel so good????" -Katie Braaten
Well, that is a Champion if I've ever seen one. How blessed am I to have her in my corner? Talk about being willing to accept a change.
Now, I understand that some of you reading, may not operate like Katie, or me, or Cowboy Ryan or anyone else that I've ever made reference to in my blogs. But some of you might. That is why I share.
Find you. Be good to yourself. Be willing to accept a change, if you want change. You can't put diesel fuel in an unleaded tank and expect to run clean. Another piece of knowledge from Katie. Now that one I love. ;)
Wrap your head around this: You'll always wish you'd've started, back when you said you were going to. Don't let another opportunity pass. Be bold. You know what? The best baseball players in the history of the game aren't the guys who hold the records for most Home Runs. What does that mean? It means, swing for the fences! Give it your all, even if you don't always hit a home run. But, you're never going to hit a home run if you don't swing the effin bat! What are you going to do for yourself? www.AdvoCare.com/14044214
I love you Katie! I am so very proud of you! I am blessed.
The Best Day of My Life!
I got in a very good feeling workout last night. I was going to go to the rec center. I like how my chest strap heart rate monitor communicated with the heart rate monitors on the machines I use there. It makes it nice to just see what your heart rate is at, constantly on the display. But, as I said, I was going to go there, but by the time we got done with the kiddos at a Kangaroo Zoo, it was too late to get them home and ready for bed and still have time to get into my Superman gig, like I do when I'm about to work out. So, no rec center for me last night. But even though we were rushed to get the kiddos some exercise in that big ol' bounce house style inflatables with obstacle courses and big ol' inflatable slides and such (they played soooo hard), it is such a good feeling that:
a) We didn't eat out or eat junk. Instead, we ate before we left. We had lean beef and veggies. No complex carb. AND we both refilled our water bottles. You know what is funny? We were both way past our gallon, for the day and we still chose to continue perfection.
b) We got home a littler later then I like to work out. So, did I chose not to work out? Absolutely not! I did what I said I was going to do. We discussed how cram packed the night was going to be, but without any hesitation Katie said, "Well, you're still going to workout, it's not like you're going to skip it." We both already knew that skipping was not an option.
But a couple of other things that were pretty epic before all this happened. Let me lay them out for you. Keep reading.
First, I'll start with a friend of mine. No, it's not Katie. I didn't say Best Friend. :) But this friend of mine, is from way back when I first moved down to Salt Lake City, UT, years ago, back in 1998-99ish. I moved down here on a whim, with my buddy Brian. Does that sound gay? Haha. Just kidding. He is a good buddy for sure. Been through a lot with that dude. But back to this gal. Well back then, we worked together and then she worked for me at a 50's themed diner. That was fun. Poodle skirts, 50's music... really, this is a generation that I probably should have been a part of. I actually do like to watch them kind of movies: Happy Days series on TV when I was between 6-9 years old. Just fascinated with it. Um let's see... American Graffiti, Grease the musical. Um yeah, I just said that. Wow, now that does make it sound gay. But you know what? It doesn't really matter. It is a good flick. I'll always be a nerd. That is something that I'll pass down to my offsprungs. :)
Back on track with the news about my friend. We ran into Mandi, downtown last month. About a month ago. I totally forgot that it was her birthday, but the funny thing was, she was just leaving the restaurant and we were just going in. It was really busy because of a lot of kids that were gussied up to go to the prom. Fun. But I had never ran into her, in quite some time, including the last 5 years that I've lived in SLC, or the last 5 years that I've been with Katie. So her and Katie had never met. So although it was rushed, I introduced them. But later, it came back to me, SHOOT! Mandi was at that place because it was her bday. That was the same reason that Katie and I were going. We had a couple of bday coupons for discounts at dinner! So I texted Mandi and gave her a well wish for a good rest of her bday, although there was only about 3.5 hours left in the day.
But how do you get the balls to tell someone about something new you're going to do in just a couple of weeks, when it's relates to their health? How do you break the ice and say, "Hey, would you like to lose some weight or inches?" Really, in some/most cases, the person you direct that question to, they've probably already looked in the mirror, once a day for the last year, 3 years, 20 years and wished that they were more fit or trim, or at the least bit, wished they were not as big as they were. They're more than likely going to take it, not offensively always, but they're probably going to hear "you're fat." Well, that is not the case here. I was trusting my old friendship with Mandi that she would take it for what it was worth and that is, me, simply and kindly offering a new way for a good quick Jumpstart of taking some control back, of a life of feeling like a victim in your own skin.
So, she said Yes! She was willing to give it another go, and not quit. She'd admitted that she has dieted and worked out and done the whole portion control stuff, before. She then said that, yes, she'd do pretty good, but since she was not able to see results, it'd usually end up binging after anywhere from 5 days to 14 days. But she didn't want that.
Well, today is day 6 of her Cleanse Phase of Her 24 Day Challenge. Out of respect, I will not post her weight. But last night, I got a text. after Katie and I had gone to bed. Katie heard my phone chime. She picked it up and looked at it. She woke me up! I was sleeping good too! I was pretty tired. Katie is a slave driver. ;) But she said, "Babe, you gotta read this!" It was a text, from Mandi, and it read:
"Doin good! I weighed myself on Sunday night at xxx lbs and I just weighed at xxx.x lbs.!" In just 5 days on Her 24 Day Challenge, Mandi has lost 10.6 pounds! Great job! That is what you can get, if you just get it set in your head, "I'm doing this. Nothing is going to stop me." "I can do anything for 24 Days!" Honestly, some people freak out and their stomachs get tied in knots, worrying sick about what's going to happen in 10 years. "OMG I gotta do this diet for 10 years!!! That is way to long!" So they get overwhelmed. Then they quit, in their mind, before they even get a chance to change or believe in themselves. Really, it is sad. But you know what? This leads Perfectly into my next Epic news of the day, for yesterday:
Secondly, and the best part (actually was from the day before yesterday) was saved for the last: My beautiful wife. Wow. What a great way to view what we're doing on this 24 Day Challenge. Really, we're vulnerable, on purpose, with a mindset to accept that we want to change. But in order to change, we have to be willing to change. A lot of that change, is choices.
But let me share what she shared on Facebook, openly to everyone. Everyone that knows her now, as well, everyone that knew her as a young lady and a possibly even a kid. People that have seen her as a single lady, before we got together. Co-workers that see her every day, as well, before she had her gastric bypass surgery (which she did very very good at). But read this post:
"I've never EVER been able to look at food as fuel and that is it. Food has ALWAYS been associated to a feeling for me...always. Guess what???? To me, this is a miracle. Food is fuel! That's it! Sure cookie and cake are delicious and I won't ever deny it. Bu I can live without it. I can pass by it and not eve think twice. I'm not deprived because I didn't get a cookie! Come on, it's pretty sad if my emotional status is based on whether or not I get a cookie! To some of you this may be your normal every day feeling. Food is fuel. To me, no joke, it is and Epiphany! How can something so simple, make me feel so good????" -Katie Braaten
Well, that is a Champion if I've ever seen one. How blessed am I to have her in my corner? Talk about being willing to accept a change.
Now, I understand that some of you reading, may not operate like Katie, or me, or Cowboy Ryan or anyone else that I've ever made reference to in my blogs. But some of you might. That is why I share.
Find you. Be good to yourself. Be willing to accept a change, if you want change. You can't put diesel fuel in an unleaded tank and expect to run clean. Another piece of knowledge from Katie. Now that one I love. ;)
Wrap your head around this: You'll always wish you'd've started, back when you said you were going to. Don't let another opportunity pass. Be bold. You know what? The best baseball players in the history of the game aren't the guys who hold the records for most Home Runs. What does that mean? It means, swing for the fences! Give it your all, even if you don't always hit a home run. But, you're never going to hit a home run if you don't swing the effin bat! What are you going to do for yourself? www.AdvoCare.com/14044214
I love you Katie! I am so very proud of you! I am blessed.
The Best Day of My Life!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Max Phase: Day 1. Day 11 of 24
First day of max phase! Day 11 of 24 Day Challenge.
Katie KILLED it on working out!
The meal replacement shakes we chose are tasty and d-lish!
Great nutritious but light lunches.
Both of us surpassed our 1 gallon water intake.
Heard from my cousin that she is seriously considering starting her own chalkenge.
Checked in on a friend that is Day 4 of her 24 Day Chalkenge and she is full of Energy and going strong!
Talked another friend into taking the stairs and not the elevator like she usually does. Guess what? She did it. Every time. She's on the 4th floor!
Katie had a BIG epiphany today, regarding food. She realizes food that is clean helps your body with energy. Our buddy Ben then put his sand which in his truck, but it turns out that he misunderstood the meaning of Katie's analogy. ;)
Lives are changing!
Day 11... Perfection continues!
Best day of my life! Peace out!!
Katie KILLED it on working out!
The meal replacement shakes we chose are tasty and d-lish!
Great nutritious but light lunches.
Both of us surpassed our 1 gallon water intake.
Heard from my cousin that she is seriously considering starting her own chalkenge.
Checked in on a friend that is Day 4 of her 24 Day Chalkenge and she is full of Energy and going strong!
Talked another friend into taking the stairs and not the elevator like she usually does. Guess what? She did it. Every time. She's on the 4th floor!
Katie had a BIG epiphany today, regarding food. She realizes food that is clean helps your body with energy. Our buddy Ben then put his sand which in his truck, but it turns out that he misunderstood the meaning of Katie's analogy. ;)
Lives are changing!
Day 11... Perfection continues!
Best day of my life! Peace out!!
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