A quick one tonight!
Katie lost in 7 days of the 24 Day Challenge: 12inches!!!
Myself, I lost: 10 inches!!!
Katie got in 4 workouts.
I got in 3 workouts.
Total weight lost in 7 days for Katie: 6.5 pounds!!!
I lost: at least 10 pounds!!! (I'll check by the doc's office tomorrow or Tuesday)
Where else can you see these kind of results in this amount of time?
I have to give credit to???.... Katie and I!!! But since I'm nice, I won't name everyone because I don't want to snub anyone.
The next blog, I'll tell you a story, maybe from my childhood. SO, you have to return!
I have a request. Ask yourself, do you want better for yourself?
Really, this last week has changed our life. I'm certain of it. But we still gotta wake up every day and continue to choose to fight the battle. Continue to feed the good feelings. I seriously love my life. There were days where I'd thought I'd never have the love that I have, from Katie. Or that I'd have the children that I have. Or have the brotherhood that I have. Or the friends I have. So really my life is great. But deep down, I knew that I could be happier if I attacked my weaknesses. One of them happened to be my health.
Katie and I still have work to do! Period. No changing that. But you know what is cool? We don't have to sit here and wonder, "Where would we be if we'd started a week ago?" Now we know! We have a week of Perfect Practice under our belt. Maybe on some weeks we'll get more work outs in? Just maybe. But for this week, we ARE Perfect!
We want better for ourselves. For our family. So, we choose to keep on keepin on.
What is your choice?
I am happy to announce that I have heard from 3 different friends that they would like to be part of a support team between Katie, myself and them. We keep them accountable. They keep us accountable. Anyone interested?
Take that first step! Even if just for a split second: say something good about YOU.
Today is the best day of my life! I love you Katie, I am extremely proud of you! Tate and Cecelia, daddy loves you so very much. Thank you for helping me find the passion in life! Your mother and I have waited a very long time for each of you. No quitting!
I seriously never thought I'd be this proud of myself! I can not believe the energy that I have. Loving it!
HIGH FIVE BABE!!!! I told you today I haven't felt this good in a long time, in fact I don't know if I've ever felt this good! I'm on top of the world, hey! :) I'm so proud of US! Can't wait for tomorrow, every day just gets better and better! Love you!