Today is Day 5 of the 24 Day Challenge. It also marks the middle of our first of two phases of the Challenge. The first phase is a cleanse phase that is 10 of the 24 days.
As I listen to Katie busting her booty on the treadmill upstairs, I think back at today.
Why is today so special? Well, if you have a minute, check out my favorite song that I'm loving right now.
American Authors: Best Day of My Life
Have you ever caught yourself thinking things like:
-Today sucks
-Work sucks
-Good stuff never happens to me
-I'll never get this, or that, etc...
-I'm a piece of crap
-I'm never going to do anything
-Nobody cares if I'm here or not
Guess what!? YOU can change what you're telling yourself! If some jerk says something about you, or your family, or you buddies/girls? Oh @!#$~ well! Let them talk! Don't let people who mean so little to you, control so much of how you feel. How you feel about your day. Most importantly, how you feel about yourself! Don't compare yourself to others. Really, it's a waste of time.
If you want to do something to change something about you, then GOOD! Do it. Be good to yourself. But if you're doing it to try and match some dipshit's voiced "status-quo," then you're not doing anything for your happiness. You're only encouraging someone else's behavior, instead of working on you. I can tell that if you want change but don't want to work for it, 2 things will happen:
1) You'll quit
2) If you are successful at achieving your happiness through someone else's "wishes"... I bet you will still not be as happy as you thought you would be.
Unless you worked your ass off for it, FOR YOU. Be good to yourself.
There is a story that I heard once, kind of related to Native American beliefs. I'll probably misquote it, but here it goes. It still delivers a powerful message (if you're in a spot in your mind, to accept such a message): An Indian Chief explains to a young eager warrior that every person has two wolves inside them, fighting a daily battle. The first wolf is everything negative that you have to say about yourself. In some ways, everything about this first wolf, is represented by anything superficial, shallow, lack of effort, jealousy, anger, etc... The second wolf is as pure as crystal clean water flowing over rocks in a creek. It is peaceful, kind, passionate and joy. When the Chief is done explaining, the young warrior asks, "Which one wins?"
Confidently the Chief stated, "Which ever one you feed."
Today was not a typical day for us. We got a text at 5:00 a.m. that our daycare/babysitter's youngest son was vomiting all throughout the night! Poor kid! But, we don't have any other alternative for child care. We have one car. We live about 30 miles from work. The commute can be anywhere from 30 -60 min in either a.m./p.m. rush hour. Financially, we are working hard to have enough in the next 12 months to seriously consider buying our first home. Working on clearing and building up our credit. We ourselves have been sick/ill/ailing for the last 3 months! Sinus infections, viruses, ear infections, pink eye, etc... You know... it's called LIFE!
So how'd the day go? We packed breakfast and snack. We woke the kids up. We drove Katie to work. She worked as well, looked for help from others, to get my hours covered. I came home with the kiddos, made them breakfast. Gave them all of their antibiotics. Cooked lunch and packed it up. Then we drove back in to make sure Katie had a lunch, so that we could stay on schedule for our 24 Day Challenge. Then the kids and I drove back to a park for a mere 30 min, so I could turn around and go back in so that I could work my hours that were not covered. Katie then clocked out to get a ride home with her sister (thank you Melissa), with our kiddos. She came home to cook dinner and feed our kiddos. We like to be done eating early in the evening. Tonight, I came home to everything I needed to finish my food for the day. While I ate, Katie walked her butt upstairs, after a very long, challenging day. She blasted her music, which is done now.
She did what WE said we wanted to do: she changed. We changed. We didn't like where we were mentally. We were presented an opportunity. We had two choices.
We each write our own individual story. Together, them two stories are in the same book. That book is an example and reflection of who we are. To our kids. To our family. To our friends.
Maybe not everyone, but people do reach low points in their life. It's just like walking. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. I am seriously grateful for the people that like us enough to keep encouraging us. As well, for those that think of us and want us healthy. I am grateful that I want to be healthy.
You know what I'm going to say next? Today, on day 5: We were PERFECT!
Happy Birthday to me tomorrow! Katie printed and bound a booklet of 52 reasons why she loves me.
She sure does have a good sense of humor. But I love her for her big heart, even more! Such a unique and thoughtful gift.
Everyday I wake up, is a great day! We are not guaranteed tomorrow. So why not tell myself, when I wake up. Today is the best day of my life!
Than sure sounds a lot better and feels a lot better than the bullshit that I've said to myself before.
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