pro·cras·ti·nate [proh-kras-tuh-neyt, pruh-] verb,
pro·cras·ti·nat·ed, pro·cras·ti·nat·ing. verb (used without object) 1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost. verb (used with object) 2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
Plain and simple: that sums up my activity for the last week. I've worked out some. Not all of it. Not the strength conditioning. Excuses? Yeah, sure, I've got 'em and they do no good.
Overwhelmed by the challenge put before me. I somewhat feel defeated before I even start. Disappointed that I didn't do things the way I had pictured I'd do them.
Up and down, up and down, I'm stoked, then I'm nervous. I'm thankful, then I'm fearful of nothing changing. I feel good about changes and things that I notice I've learned, then I am taken over by emotions that I don't want 45 to be the end of my life, I want it to be the middle. The idea was to put it all out on paper (blog) for all to read/see.
So many different emotions and thoughts so far thoughout this journey that sometimes I do not know what to write in the blog, therefore... I don't. But I know that was not part of my agreement with my coach. That was not my hand-shake. My hand-shake is worth more to me than that.
A couple of key videos that I've received in the last couple of days have really helped me drive my focus: Taking fear and turning it into gratitude. Then the other is: Stopping Procrastination.
Thank you to everyone for the support. For my youngest brother throwing us some cash to help out with food. My friends that helped us secure a dinner table (which has helped so much already!), thanks to my friends and family for putting up the money for us to get a family pass to the rec center. Thank you to the people closest to me right now, complimenting me on my appearance and my blog.
But this one thing that is sticking with me right now is: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
Wow. The first 90 days is when you see the biggest difference in fat loss, as well, the first year. I better re-think my plans. This is a great opportunity in front of me, to better myself for the over all being of my family. This is the example that I am showing my children and wife.
I have not lost all inspiration, but I can tell you that for the last few days I have not been focused and I notice a difference.
Why not do something about it now? Not tomorrow.
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