Thank you to everyone for reading and keeping up with this blog. It has been something completely new to me. This is probably the toughest blog for me to post thus far. The other day we were fortunate enough that a couple of friends donated some of their hard earned money for us to buy a used table out of the online classifieds. The hunt is on.
However, this weekend, a buddy of mine come down from Montana to visit, as his fiance had some stuff to run around for. They attended one of her friend's weddings, then she either had a baby shower, or a bridal shower to attend, in which freed him up to hang out with us and another buddy of mine that lives north of us about 30 miles. Since we'd recently decided to get a newer rig, he wanted to check it out and find something to bust my chops over. He gets in, lifts up the center console, checks other things out. Then we parted ways, him going to meet up with her. Katie and I heading home with the kiddos in tow.
I can see him. Driving in front of me. He then calls me on the cell, "What's in your center console?"
Immediately, I have Katie check in there!!! I ask her to look for something that he would've taken. Wallet. Garage door opener. Knife. Utility tool. Something that he'd think was hilarious for him to have, that I needed. A prank. You know? Finally, he gives in and says, "I didn't take anything, jerk. Look for something different that wasn't in there to begin with. Perhaps 2 plastic cards?"
Bingo! Katie pulls up 2 plastic cards with barcodes on them that you attach to your key ring. One reads "Katie" the other reads "Nick" and on the front they read "SL County Parks & Rec" which means that they were 2 memberships to the rec center we've been scrounging up pocket change for me to go to. Yeah baby!!!!
Katie has been doing videos and we agreed to only spend money on me going to the gym. I felt selfish doing it, leaving the kids with Katie. I always wanted her to go, as well. But we've just not been able to get a string of weeks together where we can save money. Always playing catch up. I'm sure we're not the only ones that has been in this type of situation.
But geez! Are you kidding me? Turns out, both of my brothers were in on it. My sister in law has been asking both Katie and me questions about the rec center, so I know she is in on it. I asked my buddy if he knew who was in on it, he said that my brother & his wife were the ones tha set it all up. I texted my brother and asked who all was involved. His response? "Not sure exactly." In the words of Dr. Evil in Austin Powers, "rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhtt."
But still, regardless of who was in on it, or who paid more, or who didn't pay. Even if you're just along for the ride, reading the blogs (3700 views?!)... Please accept my humble gratitude. It is very kind and generous of all of all ya'll.
So, now I must decide to do the 28 day challenge over, or begin the new one that Coach emailed me, called the 8 week challenge. What to do?
If nothing else, I am giving it my effort, right? Now, we can hopefully save our pocket change for the kids' piggy bank. :) Hoping to learn some new things, besideds the treadmill, for staying in my Cowboy Fit Zone.
That's so awesome dude! Hopefully that will take off a little stress of trying to figure out how to pay for the rec center. Stay strong and keep focused! You have a lot of people in your corner!