Friday, March 15, 2013

Beginning Measurements

The heart rate monitor is here.  I have basically been reading the "Getting Started" bit with the program where it introduces me to some new vocabulary, a new state of mind, water intake (and why), how to ask questions to seek the answers I desire.  It is nice because after I read the section, I am supposed to submit answers or create lists and send them to Ryan "Cowboy" Ehmann.  What are my fears? What has held me back before, from attaining my goal(s)? How long have I been seeking Fitness Success? More similar questions follow.  Then I get a moment where I reflect on what I read and I will share what I read with Katie.  This helps me retain it, but also, I want to make a lifestyle change.  I want my family to be part of that change.

I said that I would post my beginning measurements, that I am to track and send the weekly measurements to for the Cowboy himself to see.  This was part of our agreement.  I do his online program, start a blog, all the while, tracking numbers for measurements in inches on my body, measurements on my water consumption, as well, measurements on my day to day motivation.  Basically to do the program in its entirety.

I am not sure when I get to start the exercising.  I'm anxious.  I do not have any equipment at home, so we'll see what I can do with it.  Is it going to be push-ups/sit-ups and cardio?  Who knows.  I have to learn how to calibrate my heart rate monitor. It is crucial that I do not work out "too hard" or burn my lean muscle by going over my desired fat burning heart rate zone.  I will list my test of push-ups and sit-ups for one minute's measurement.  I will as well be tracking that, along with inches lost and weight lost.  I am extremely excited to hopefully learn nutrition as well, how to calculate my body fat percentage.

I plan uploading a "beginning" picture the day I start the exercises.

Date 3/15/2013
Age 35
Height 6'3"
Weight 460 lbs (dead even)
Neck 20.25"
Shoulders 71"
Chest 68"
Under Chest 66.25"
Abs 1" above belly button 70.75"
Belly Button 71.50"
Abs 1" below belly button 67.50"
Hips 51.75"
Leg 10" above knee 31.25"
Leg 8" above knee 29.25"
Leg 6" above knee 27.75"
Arm 21"
Forearm 6: above wrist 12"
Calf 21"


  1. Nick,

    I am having you focus on all the mind conditioning and preparing for the road ahead before any workouts. here is what I want you to do ... start out everyday walking 1 city block. then 10 pushups on your knees ... thats it for now. Make sure to watch all the mind conditioning and goals videos. The #1 mistake people make when working out is to train their body and do nothing with their mind. I have personally rebuild my life 4x after hitting rock bottom and lost everything...everything Nick...most people don't know what it's like to be one of the top 50 Professional Rodeo Riders in the world and instantly be out of the game, living in a camper, $67,000 in debt, back pain, no job, girlfriend cheated on me and a washed up cowboy who is told by 15 doctor I would never ride again and for sure NEVER do anything physical. I would wake up everyday praying my back pain was gone and i would have my life back as a rodeo champion. I did this for 2 years, 2 years Nick that I wasted my life that when I am on my death bed and I take my last breath looking back at my life thinking, I lost 2 years that I could have those 2 years right now. Think about it? Is that what you want to think the day that happens? I know your so excited to start working out but if you skip past the mind conditioning first then you will most likely be among the 90% of everyone who starts a workout program quit by the 3 week.

    Nick ... this isnt just 12 workouts with Ryan Cowboy Ehmann...I don't need to prove to the Nation that this system works, I know it works, and the 10,000 other people who have done it can say it works. I just need to prove to you that their is a very special man inside of you that the world is waiting to meet, including your lovely family, Nick the life your lives isn't you, isn't what you dreamed of becoming when you were a little kid...right? No, it's simple the decisions you made along your path of life that has had you end up where you are at today. Just remember this, your life is a reflexion of the decisions a person makes. if your life isn't currently what you want it to be then it's time to make new decisions. Today's Decisions Shape Tomorrows Future... So ask yourself what decisions are you going to make?

    Nick I agreed to help you change your life brother, not just 12 workouts. This is only the beginning and when I make a decision I don't change my decision and I have the heart of a tiger and will never stop until I achieve what I set my mind to accomplish. You have my cowboy handshake I will be your coach, mentor, friend and guiding light to get you life changing results. Now your job at this moment is to shape and create the dream life you want and put it down on paper. I can't help you until you know exactly what you want. Make a decision Nick, go create it...and I want you to share it with me. Make sure to download my ebook "train your mind - your body will follow" ... Cowboy up Nick ! Wooo Hoooo ... Thats' What Im Talking About

  2. Nick,
    You can do this! This is so amazing that you are opening up to the world on this journey and showing your life like this. Do this for you, do this for your wife, and do it for your family. One of the scariest things as a kid, is to expect your father to be dead before you graduate high school. Know that he won't see your college graduation, your wedding, or your kids. Luckily, after facing that myself, my dad turned around in his health. Don't make your kids go through that. Keep up the lifestyle change because it will be worth all the pain and sweat. You will forever be able to use this as a lesson and example to your children and they will always look up to you for it.

    My wife and I have been working out with Ryan for over a year now. I have to admit that she has worked out far longer than I have with him due to my work schedule but I hit the gym when I can't see Ryan. My wife has lost somewhere around 80 inches and is stronger than I am. I have worked out for the past four years on a very regular basis but have never seen the changes that I have after my workouts with Ryan. He has opened my eyes to a whole new level of fitness. I see better results and have felt better about myself since starting there.

    When I have missed workouts with him, at first, I expected to get chastised some. I walked into the gym with my head held low but Ryan is always happy to see me, asks where I've been but never judges me. He is a true inspiration. Believe in him and believe in yourself. He will change your life and truly becomes a friend to all that let him. He will sit down and listen to your goals. He will make you feel like you are the only one around. You can do this and make the dream come true!

  3. I'm exited to follow this!!! You will do AWESOME!!!

  4. This is seriously so awesome, I'm proud of you Nick! You got this, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. You've got an amazing wifey, family & friends we're here for moral support.

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  8. Thank you everyone! It is new for me to set goals. Usually, I focus on either not getting to my desired amount of success fast enough, instead of reflection of where I've come from to where I am. I know that I must change some things in order to live healthier.
